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Caelum looks around the room in awe.  It's huge, enormous, fit for a king.  The drapes shimmer in silver with the rising moons, the king-sized bed looking comfortable but too cold and empty.  He sighs, hand rubbing his belly as the baby moves.

His steps echo as he approaches the bed.  His nimble fingers struggle with the clasp of Aerglo's cape, but he manages to shrug it off, the expensive silk cloth pooling at his feet.

With a small huff of exhaustion he leans down to pick it up.  He folds it neatly and places it on foot of the bed and it's then that the door opens.

His heart skips a beat, expecting to see Aerglo, but finding an unfamiliar alien step through the threshold.

The alien bows at him before carrying in a tray of food.  The tray is placed on top of the desk by the large window letting in the moonlights.

"Enjoy," the thin alien rasps.

"Th-Thank you," Caelum says.

With another bow, the alien leaves and the door closes with a click.

Caelum wanders curiously toward the desk.

The tray is piled with food.

Meats cooked thoroughly with a dark red sauce, grains and veggies still steaming and hot.  Beside the meats are plates of fruits, of grapes and slices of what seem like apples but sweeter, juicier, and seedy.

He's skeptical to try new food, food so foreign and out of his world.

But his belly grumbles and his nose twitches with the sweet yet savory smells.  His mouth practically waters at the sight.


Caelum jumps in surprise, wide eyes turning to face Aerglo.  The alien looks weary and exhausted, skin a bit pale, but xyr smile genuine.  He hadn't even heard xem come in.


Xe laughs as Caelum hugs xem tightly, "are you alright, my little ones."

"We're okay," Caelum nods, burying his face in xyr broad chest, "we just missed you."

Aerglo's arms tighten around him before xe let's him go.

Xe pulls out the chair for Caelum, going in search for another.

Caelum watches as Aerglo's arm bulges when xe drags a seat right next to his.  The top buttons of xyr collar undone and hair a bit messy, as if xe's pulled at it in frustration.

"Are you okay?" Caelum asks gently.

"Hm? Yes, I am fine," Aerglo nods.

Caelum looks at his lap, or what he can see of it, and waits for Aerglo to dig in.  He's suddenly not that hungry.

He just knows that whatever is bugging his mate is because of him.

Aerglo sighs, "eno elttil, look at me."

Caelum obeys and looks up at xem.

"Nothing is wrong.  It's just the sudden realization that this war is almost over, but until it is, I will always worry for you and your safety.  Both of you are my world, and I can't risk losing you, either of you," Aerglo admits.

"There's something else... right?"

Aerglo laughs, leaning in and kissing his forehead, "you know me too well, love."

"I do," Caelum blushes.

Xe sighs softly, "Despite our mission being a success, the Royal Sire isn't too happy with me."

"Why?  You did everything they asked of you, you found and brought back the poison.  You nearly died because of it!"

"Deep breathes, eno elttil," Aerglo smiles, "the Royal Sire simply dislikes that I've taken this form, xe believes that this is a sign of weakness and thus, this is what we're presenting to our enemy.  Weakness."

"All because you're..." He trails off.

Because you're human, is left unsaid.

Caelum breathes deeply then, "You can change back.. maybe you should change back."

Caelum closes his eyes when Aerglo begins to change into xyr original form.

His eyes flutter open and his heart skyrockets at the sight.  When Aerglo reaches out, he flinches.  He can't help it.

Aerglo coils back as if burned and frowns. Xe knows Caelum is still afraid.  Whoever hurt him leaving a scar of fear in his mind.  It angers xem.

And xe is about to switch back to xyr human form when Caelum slowly reaches out with a trembling hand.  His hand is warm, skin soft, as he cups Aerglo's cheek.

"I'm okay," Caelum whispers, "we're okay."

And Aerglo has never been more proud of xyr mate, of xyr strong little mate.

"I love you," Caelum continues softly, "whether you're in this form or another, I will always love you."

Aerglo purrs, smiling at Caelum, "I love you too, eno elttil ym."

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