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Two months without word of Aerglo and all Caelum can do is hold onto the belief that he'll see his mate again.

However, he's finding it harder and harder to hang on. 

There are many what if's and so many more thoughts that scream at him otherwise.  If Aerglo doesn't come back...  Caelum doesn't know what he'll do.  But these heavy thoughts are slowly taking a toll on his body.  There's a constant sadness surrounding him and he's always tired, always sleepy and rarely hungry.  He can't bring himself to eat and when he manages a bite, he rushes to the bathroom to throw it up.

It sucks.

He's always achy and tired and he misses Aerglo so freaking much it hurts.

He curls up around what used to be the alien's pillow, but xyrs scent has long since faded.

The insomnia grabs a hold of him and he finds himself staring out the window, staring up at the sky for hours on end. 

When he finally falls asleep, just before the sun rises, he doesn't wake up.

Some days are better than others, but the one day that it's not, he gets an unpleasant wake up call.

His step-dad is screaming at him to wake up and when he doesn't respond, the man wraps his hand around Caelum's ankle and yanks him out of bed. Caelum lands on the floor with a loud and heavy thud, sore body bruising easily with the harsh impact.

Blearily, he looks up at the angry man who then grasps a handful of his hair and makes him stand up.

"I've been calling you for the past 20 minutes you little brat, you think you can just oversleep and skip school?"

Caelum frowns, "I haven't skipped school."

"No, but you sure as hell arrive late every fucking day! You know what it's like to get a phone call to work saying that your so-called-son is arriving late and if there's a fucking problem at home?"

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to, but I just can't wake up," Caelum whimpers.

"Then I'll make sure you wake up," the man snarls.

Caelum struggles when his step-dad drags him toward the bathroom where ice cold water is slowly filling the tub.   His eyes open wide in panic just as his head is dunked forcefully into the freezing liquid. Caelum doesn't even have time to hold his breath and when he breaks the surface, he spews and splutters. There's barely any respite before he's breathing in water once more.  His nose, throat, and lungs burn with each dunk.

"Are you awake now, you stupid brat?"

"Y-Yes!" Caelum coughs weakly.

The man lets him go and he collapses on the floor, breathing harshly and trying to get enough air into his aching lungs.  The door slams closed with his departure and Caelum is left shivering on the bathroom floor huddled in the corner, squeezed between the tub and the sink. His teeth chatter, jaw tensed, and body trembles.

He gathers himself and slowly stands up, steadying himself against the wall.

He briefly looks at his reflection in the mirror.  His hair is dripping wet and sticking to his forehead. There are dark bruises underneath his eyes. He looks pale and just utterly exhausted.

"Please come back soon," he whispers, "please, Aerglo."

Sluggishly, he trudges back to his room and changes, huffing when his pants fit a bit snug around his hips.

He thinks nothing of it, sucking in his gut as he zips up and finishes getting dressed before going to school.

And the days drag on until it's been four months.

Four long and painful months of nothing, except the slow expansion of his belly.

He stares down at the pudginess.

He doesn't eat enough to gain so much weight and he should be concerned with all the nausea, vomiting, and dizzy spells.  However, he finds that he can't be.

His mind races to the first time he and Aerglo mated and his heart flutters in his chest, a small nudge from the inside of his belly responding to his thoughts.

A clammy hand cups his bare belly and he admires the taut skin in wonder.  

Could it be?

Another nudge, stronger than before, confirms his suspicion.

He laughs a bit wetly, tears filling his dark dull eyes and making them just a hint brighter.

He lets out a rush of breath and closes his eyes.

All the times of abuse he went through these past few months put a damper on his happiness, but he promises he'll protect the little life inside him.

"I promise," he whispers, "I'll protect you, little one."

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