Chapter 14: stories/ back at the orphanage

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"No way!"

The newsies were telling June all about their stories. June would go home by now but because of the rain and how far away it was they couldn't take her. Jack didnt want his boys getting sick, which June understood. Once she went out in the rain, just messing around, for an hour. She was sick in bed for 3 days.

They started talking about stories  about Spot. Some were ones she heard before or ones be never mentioned. Though she realised some may be made up by newsies.

"And he lost his cane to the meanest and strongest scab ever!"

June laughed a little at this which, caught the attention of Crutchie. Who sat beside her on the bunk. "What's so funny"

"Oh nothing"

"Maybe she was thinking about her love for Race" June then threw a pillow at Albert. He had just laughed at sat next to Race.

"No thanks"

"I'm offended" Race put a hand to his heart. Then the newsies laughed as he pretended to cry on Albert's shoulder.
"How could you do this to poor Race?"

Jack smiled leaning against the wall looking at everyone "Right boys, we better get to bed now"

"Come on"

"Please Jack"

"We have a guest"

But Jack was having none of it and they all huffed getting ready. June sat on her bunk and took her cardigan off seeing she didn't have pyjamas.

"Wait could you tell me one more thing?" June pipped up. She heard so many stories already and didn't want it to stop.

"He's your brother shouldn't you know this stuff" Ike asked her. Placing his shoes away for the night. He yawned getting into bed.

"Yeah but I barley see him, remember"

Romeo then mentioned sitting on his bunk. Which he shared with Specs. "I don't see why you can't stay with him"

"Says it's to much money"

Romeo laughed at this, making some of the newsies stare.  "Ha! Yeah but Spot makes-"

Before he could finish Elmer threw a pillow at him to shut him up. The boys laughed and Jack stared at him. But knew why he wanted to stop Romeo.

June dosnet need to know

Most of the newsies just slept shirtless , which June didn't really mind (Abbs😉).

"Guys" Specs pointed to June who sat on her bunk and stared at Racetrack.  They laughed a little at this before Jack gave a sharp whistle to her.

She turned "Huh?"


(I don't ship Race and June it's more of a joke now )

"Oh Shut up" She pulled her blanket over her and turned away from them as they still laughed.

--10 minutes later--

As soon as the boys hit their heads on the pillow they fell asleep. Well apart from June she was still wide awake looking at her locket.

She still had that old thing and still loved it. Thinking about it, it was quite a while since she had a proper look at it.

She opened it and saw two pictures, the first one was with her full family. She was 5 sitting on her mum's lap smiling.  Spot stood in front of his dad and he had his hand on his shoulder.

On the other side it was a picture of her and Spot just smiling and hugging, it was actually quite cute June thought.

She kissed them both before she went to sleep.

--At the orphanage--

"I can't sleep" Daisy rubbed her eyes and sitting on her bunk, soon Lavender and Millie joined her.

"Same here" Millie sighed "I miss June"

"Same here" Lavender hugged them both, to be honest she was worried about June "My parents went missing, same with June, I don't want anything to happen to her"

This was one of the reasons Lavender always liked making friends, making sure they were ok or being protective, she didn't want to be alone again.

"You think Spot will find her?"

"Of course Millie!" She hugged them again before the door opened and tired boys walked in.

"We can't sleep" James dropped his pillow "Guessing you guys can't either"

"Yeah...also what are you guys doing?" Lavender asked. The rules were they couldn't really be in each others rooms.

"We miss June. So do you guys. We can't sleep. So here we are" Alex said in a mood and dropped his pillow down.

"He's just tired" Mike explained then handed Tommy his teddy bear. Lavender looked at the girls seeing if it was ok for them to stay. They nodded and soon the younger ones were fast asleep.

"You think she ran away?" Mike began after 5 minutes of silence, Alex shook his head "Nah she loves us"

"But she never stops talking about Brooklyn" Lavender pointed out "Maybe she just didn't want us around"

"Don't say that" James looked at Lavender, knowing what she went through in the past "She wouldn't leave us like that"

"Yeah" Alex rested his head on Lavender's shoulder "Like who dosent like me"

"Me" Lavender looked down on him. Alex rolled his eyes at her. Majority of the time Lavender and Alex couldn't bare each other. But the past day, finding out June was missing, they had actually been nice to one another. But how long would that last?

"You know you two could be a cute couple" They both stared at Mike like he was crazy.

"Noooooooo she's annoy"

"He thinks he's so great"

"Her hair styles are stupid"

"He dosnet think-"

"We get it!" James laughed and put his hands up, he looked over at Mike "They should be a couple though"

"Well by that logic you should go out with June and Mike should go out with.....em-"

"I don't like the ladies remember" He laughed and they laughed as well with him.

"Though I agree June and James"

"Now that's a ship" James threw a pillow at Lavender.

"Just go to sleep"

Tell me what I should improve on 😊
Also I kinda see James, Lavender, Mike and Alex like this:

James is like Jack and a little like Finch

Alex is kinda like Race and Albert...and little bit like Romeo

Mike is like Specs, Crutchie and Davey

Lavender is like Specs, Katherine and a bit like Romeo/Jojo

June Conlon (Newsies) pt1 Meeting Manhattan Where stories live. Discover now