Chapter 12 :Spot has a sister!?

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This was the quietest the newsies have ever been in their lifes. You could've heard a needle drop! Even Race stayed quiet, the one who could never keep his mouth shut.

June stepped off the chair and looked around to see their reactions, it was quite funny. Soon the silence broke by Finch.


Everyone burst into panic and started shouting and chatting. Spot was quite scary. He could beat anyone in a fight. So what was he going to do to them? 
Jack was just in shock by it all and stood there pointing at June, as Davey patted his back.

"We didn't know it was her!" Romeo shouted to Specs "We didn't even know he had a sister!"

"What are we going to do!" Albert grabbed Race's coller "I don't want to die!"

"You're....Spots...s-siter.....king of Brooklyn's sister?" Jack stared at her. His face grew a bit pale. He knew if Spot found out about this they would be all dead.

June had to calm everyone down. Standing up on the chair she grabbed all the boys attention "EVERYONE SHUT UP!"

They all went silent and stared at the short girl. She huffed getting off of the chair. Crossing her arms she explained "Yes Spot is my brother. No he won't kill you, I'll make sure of it"

She turned to Jack. Who was still in complete shock. Davey just kept on patting his back for him to take it all in. "And I'll make sure there won't be a turf war"

Crutchie stood up and walked over. He was still confused, just like everyone else.  "So ya name is really June Conlon?" She nodded then Les said "You're much nicer may I say"

"Much nicer"

The room began to chuckle. The panic went down as June explained Spot wouldn't harm them. Now getting over the fact Spot had a sister, and she was in this very room, everyone began speaking out.

Race clicked his fingers "That's why you looked familiar! You and Spot you kinda have the same eyes and colour of hair!"

"Yeah" June took a pice of hair and looked at it. Her mother had long brown hair it was the most a amazing thing ever! June hoped her hair would be like that one day.

"Oh no" Romeo said  "Do we need to explain to Spot why she's here?"

"Nah" June smirked waving his hand "He's in Brooklyn. So I can be dropped back off and he'll never find out. It's easy"

"Don't ya see him?" Davey asked as Jack got better, knowing he would ask that question.  "I see him like every three months"

"But I have a question about my brother" She looked at them all. They began to get scared, wondering what she was going to ask.

"Does my brother.....have a girlfriend?" June smiled sweetly. Seeing that they got tensed up. With a sigh and a laugh, Jack finally got to his normal self "Ohhhhh yes he does!"

"Which one?" Sniper joked to them

"He's had 5 before his girl now" Romeo explained to June with a smirk. June just stood their in shock

"Wait! He's had five girlfriends! And didn't bother telling me! What a cheek!"

Mike then looked at her "Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret. I keep secrets from Ike all the time"


This wasn't my best one but here it is 😂 I might be posting another one tonight

June Conlon (Newsies) pt1 Meeting Manhattan Where stories live. Discover now