*Chapter Fifteen- Not A Toy*

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'Jazmyn's POV

I woke up to a knocking sound.

"Knock Knock" ...once...twice...ThriCe...

"OH FUDGE IM COMING!" I heaved a sigh as I rolled off the bed groggingly and began walking towards the door. I'm not in the mood to be nice today and I swear if he knocks aga...

"Knock..Knock" ...Once...Twice..

"The Fuc.." I say as I swing open the door and collect the person a punch.

"What the Flying Fuck!" The person says holding his nose..or is it his eyes? Ugh my eyes are still droopy so I cant see crap.

"How does fuck fly?" I questioned wiping my sleepy eyes. The person chuckles.

Wait a minuite..that chuckle sounds familiar. I pause for a moment and take off my hands from my eyes to see Derek with a bruise on his chin. Oh, so it wasn't his eyes nor his nose. Oh well..better luck next time.

"You?..aren't you the driver? what are you doing here?" I asked Derek..very muscular Derek whose wearing a very sexy tuxedo.

"Yes, yes I am." He says finally taking his hand from his face.

"And it looks like someone isn't a morning person too" He said gesturing his hands to go downstairs.

"Hey you only answered one of my questions..what are u doing here?" I asked as Derek led me downstairs.

"Well, things work differently in this mansion, not everyone sticks to on job. Wether its being a cook, washing, going on missions, or escorting beautiful guests to the dining table." He said as he smiled and winked at me. I smiled back..Derek can cook.

Derek led me to the dining room and put me to sit on one of the chairs as he went to the kitchen. No one was at the table yet so I joined Derek in the kitchen. He was making pancakes and man was he looking delicious...I mean the pancakes, the pancakes was looking the delicious..hahah nawh its definitely him.

"Hey." I said as I approached the kitchen and sat on one of the stools as I watched him cook.

"Hey." He replied setting a plate of pancakes on the kitchen table.

I took the fork and knife and cut a piece and nearly died from the exotic taste.

"Hmmm this tastes so good." I moaned at the taste.

"Uhh you sure you wanna be making those noises right about now?"

The fork of pancake stopped halfway to my mouth as I looked at him confused. "Yea, it tastes delicious" I said devouring the bite.

" That's not the only thing..." He mumbled

I looked at him oddly..." what?" I asked

" Nothing." He said as his cheeks grew a tinge of pink.

That's not the only thing?.... Was he talking bout his...naaa I doubt but great now I'm thinking about it. Fudge!


After breakfast, Derek showed me around the house. I wasn't really interested but who an I kidding the freaking place was beautiful. It even had one of those chandelier things that hang from the ceiling. Mom and I always wanted one of those, I always told her that one day when I get a job I'll buy the biggest one there is and shove it in all those rich brats that poor people can succeed, but she would deny and say " Jazz, all rich people aren't the same you know, it's their mind and ego that has them so ignorant and self-centered but then there are some that have pure hearts, for example, your friend Jessica, that girl is something else you know, she never differentiated between poor and rich, high class or low class, what you have and what you don't, now that my dear is a true friend. People like her can change the way the world sees rich and poor people. My point is dear, don't work to succeed just because you want to show off or exact revenge or any kind of bad meanings, work to succeed because you want to be happy, you want to have a good life with no confusion, and so you can someday motivate a person just like you, to succeed just like you will someday." Mom's lecture never felt like one, instead, it felt like a life lesson everyday.  Oh mom, please be okay.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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