Chapter Two: The Slap

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It was lunch time...FINALLY!!!  I just loved eating. it was the best part of the day for me. i sat down together with Jessica by the lunch table. "slow down jazmyn, you'll choke" chuckled Jessica. "nahh, I'm used to stuffing food down my mouth." we both laughed at each other, suddenly, a voice whispers into my ear, "Careful there." I suddenly feel a huge ball stuck in the middle of my oesophagus.  I was choking! Jessica rushed and poured water down my throat. I could feel the ball subsiding and entering my stomach. Too much Biology in my head. I then remembered what caused it and turned around to see, James. Wtf does this guy think of himself?

Jessica sees me standing and  sees James. "Hii Jamess..."  she says in a flirting tone. I roll my eyes and look back at James, He's grinning his teeth. I suddenly feel my hands scoop up a gush of air and land it on James's face. That serves him right.

"WTF!" James yells as he runs to the bathroom to witness his reddened cheek. Everyone in the cafeteria looks at me, angry, especially the girls. "What?" I questioned the bunch of faces that were glaring at me. 

then James comes up to me, actually, runs up to me," What the hell was that for?" He asked as i felt the heat from his face burning me. "well when you whisper in someone's ear, ESPECIALLY mines, while they are eating, that's what happens!" "So i should just do it while you're not eating?" I sweat dropped. " No you Idiot, overall, JUST DONT DO IT!!" "But i love watching you choke, you look so cute while dying," Is this boy psychotic? 

" Wtf, what in worlds did i ever do to you?"  He leans in on my ear. "Nun, I just like you." My cheeks grew like cherry as he stepped back."W..W.WHAT?" shit why am i stammering? His face suddenly grew happy, with his red cheeks shining with glory from the slap i gave him as he said, "NOT!" and suddenly bursts out in laughter. 

"Hahahahahah, you should see your face right now, you really think i'll like you? In your dreams, you're not even close to what i say, 'is my type'." I looked up at him like i was about to burst into flames. "James you idiot! and just as my hand was about to reach his face again, his hand held mines firmly and pulled me close. "But we can surely try something." Pervert. My cheeks flushed bright pink. "Uhh..Jazmyn?" he said chuckling, still holding me close. "What?" I replied staring straight into his eyes.Wait am i blushing?  " You're..umm..blushing." SHIT!

I quickly moved away to see the whole cafeteria staring me down. I could feel him smirking at the side of me. I held Jessica's hand and started walking away. "Hey we're not done yet,"  "Well I surely am." I said as my voice faded as we exited the cafeteria.

Hi guys sorry I'm taking soooooo long to update my stories but thats because exams are going on so bear with me. And i hope you guys enjoyed the second part of my stories, there is definitely not going to be a last chapter anytime soon but lots of intense stuff is going to happen in the upcoming chapters so stay tuned.

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Shit! I'm In Love With A Bad Boy!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें