Chapter 13- *I Wonder How James's Butt Feels?*

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A/N: No guys, there won't be any butt-touching ;)


After we left the hospital, both of us parted to collect a few things from our home even though mines has already been sent to my father's home.

I'm hating every minute of this. I don't want to go there, I don't want to see the nice life he has been living, without us. I wonder what changed his mind so suddenly that he actually wanted to see me.

You're over reacting Jaz, your mom was the one to convince him, he doesn't care one bit. 

Maybe I am, what if he really and truly didn't want to see me and the only reason he agreed, is because of mom's situation. So what? Am I just gonna be a burden to him when I get there?

And you know the funny thing is that after all this drama that's currently going on in my mind, there is one person that's still can't be buried in all my thoughts. Everything that happened before I got that call is still fresh. I don't know why but when he kisses me, my knees go weak, I know it sounds cheesy but it is what it is. There's something about him that draws me in and I can't seem to rid that feeling off of me, it's frustrating and I feel like this is one of the reasons I stay away from boys. They are so damn difficult to read sometimes. 

I 'm falling for him. I know it and I am not going to deny it, that has only gotten me nowhere up until today. I don't like it, this feeling, its absurd and makes me utterly hopeless in front of him. I can't fall for someone I know nothing, NOTHING about. If I'm going to fall for him, I 'm going to make sure I'm not the one that's going to get hurt. I'm going to find out everything about him. And if by the end of the day, I realize he's playing me, then there wont be anyone other than me to blame. I can't believe I'm actually gonna take this chance, I've Never given a boy a chance..EVER, and I'm doing that right now.

But one thing is for sure, If he plays me, I'm definitely gonna play him back and hurt him ten times worst, no one, I repeat no one is going to break me.


After I packed a few things James forgot, I still don't know why he did even after the little argument we had, I went in my drawers to get my silky shorts. While taking them out, my eyes grew wide in shock or was it  embarrassment, or maybe its the both, ah shit whatever. 

James saw my lingerie! Flipplebottoms!                         (A/N yes I invented that word)

How did he know where it was anyways?

Jazmyn you idiot, your mom must've told him..duhhhhhh

Right. Annd I'm talking to  myself again. Fudge!

I packed my stuff and opened the door but came to a sudden stop when I saw a man dressed in all black coming  towards me. At the back of him was a limozine that was two times the length of my house. It's matte black could hold my gaze for decades. It's soo beautiful! But all of that stopped on realizing that well, no one could do this other than her rich father, why not throw in a personal assistant while you're a it!

The man's face was freshly shaved and he had something connected to his hair and really huge muscles, I could tell you that but not the hot kind..if that even makes sense. He had a scowl etched onto his face. He must really like this job of picking up teenagers (note the sacarsm). Anyways, I snapped back to reality when he came face to face with me.

"Yes?" I asked confused as to why he's even here. I can more than take a taxi and go there. Sure it'll cost some money but I don't want my father rubbing his lush life in my face.

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