chapter 14(b)

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"Three shots of you."
Coming from a vampire I should have been scared but I wasn't. This was coming from Alexander, my mate.

"Uhm... I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight!" I said quickly trying to obtain as much distance as possible between us.
He seemed to have noticed my plan as he without struggle held my arm sending shivers all over my body and he excelled that with a smirk.

"You lose your sanity when I walk into the room and you can't help but have me on your mind when I'm away from you," he said as he found something interesting in my eyes.

"Alex...l..." I kept trying to force my mouth to say something but how could I? This whole thing was new to me.
One minute I am fine by myself or I think I am then the other...Alex walks in to view and I am driven into temporary insanity.

I was awaken from my thoughts when his face was only a few inches away from mine. His arms making it hard for me to even plot an escape.

Yes I had this unexplainable pull towards him, after all we are mates? What was going on was not going abiding to my imagination. I had imagined our first... Never mind.
He was intoxicated for goodness sakes.

'The strongest alcohol in the entire world' is how they described it.
It should only be consumed by the immortal since it is said to be fatal to us mortals.

He's eyes were reaching out for me with sincerity, I was lost in them.

"I want to kiss you Ally. May I?"
He said poking holes in my heart and before I knew it tears were running down my face.
I had no reason to cry but I was overwhelmed with emotion.

He pulled away and looked like he was hurting before disappearing into his room and I was left feeling cold.
It's a cold I never want to experience ever again.

"Alex," I called out but for no response.

I heard a load crash in his room and quickly rushed in only to see a complete mess of a room that looked more like a war zone. 

Broken glass spread across the room as if it went with the decor.

"Leave!" He said with the scariest tone I have ever heard.
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

I walked to the source of the glass and began trying to clean up.
"I SAID...” before he could finish I flinched on his deep scary voice and before I knew it blood was dripping off my hands.

He's eyes dilated and changed to the darkest shade I've ever seen.

In a blink of an eye, I could not escape his grasp. The pain took over, it was uncontrollable so were my tears...

Was the last thing I heard before I got lost in darkness.

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