Chapter 8

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Danielle's hand waved in front of me.
"Oh! Sorry. What were you saying again?" I said realizing how rude I was appearing.

"How did you know that I was pregnant?" She asked showing interest in what I was about to say next.

"I really don't know. I just had a feeling, I guess," I couldn't wait to change this very strange and confusing conversation.
"So did you tell Ryan?"

"No! No, I want it to be a surprise," she said with a smile on her face. I could see how happy she was with her pregnancy.

"Oh! I see. Don't worry because these lips of mine are sealed," I assured her with a smile.

I was not sure if she noticed but the atmosphere became a little awkward as we walked to have breakfast.

With the peculiar dreams I have been having and visions... I was not sure whether to call them visions or feelings but I was definitely aware that I felt a kick in my stomach every time Danielle touched me in any way.

"Allyson, are you okay? You barely touched your food,"

"Yes... Yes, I am. So what is it with you and strawberries?" I asked trying to turn the attention to her.

"Oh, I just just love the way they feel in my mouth," Danielle said taking another bite of her strawberry.

I haven't seen Alexander and his character of a girlfriend today. Not that I was keeping tabs on him but I just thought he would at least make it to breakfast.
Danielle's phone rang on the table and rolled her eyes before answering the call.
"I'm not my brother's keeper"
"You do just that"
"Goodbye Lisa"
Danielle hang up and groaned.

I just looked at her not sure whether it was my place to ask what was wrong  so I just remained quiet.

It was evident that Danielle and Lisa weren't the best of friends but I assumed Danielle was just being a protective sister.

Danielle's phone rang again before she quickly answered.
"I'm on my way,"

"I'm sorry that I can't spend the day with you but I need to rush to the boutique and then visit a school since my brother could not make it," Danielle said standing up and wiping her mouth with a napkin

"Oh, it's fine. We can always do that any time. Now go get yourself to that striking boutique of yours," I said with a smile before she gave me a swift hug.

I was left alone in the gigantic dining room. I found great entertainment in the vintage heavy tiffany chairs and mahogany table.
Every room I have been in so far in this house screamed ' vintage excellence'.
Nothing was too much or too little,  everything was just perfect the way it was.

I woke from my thoughts when I heard someone clear their throat.

"Good morning Miss Warren," king Edmund said standing on his feet.

"Good morning," I said turning to face him. That was when I saw Alex leaning against the wall.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine," lie liar.

"We thought it would be best if we took you to see your mother's grave," king Edmund said.
The word 'mother' made my mood drop. I then realized that I had to do this, I had to see where she laid.
"Okay," I said looking at the empty plate in front of me.

"And one more thing Miss Warren. My wife would not have left you money by mistake... so you should use it because she wanted you to have it. She and your mother were best friends. They understood each other more than any one. My wife was very upset when she learned of your mother's death. She cried..." I could hear King Edmund's voice become lower and lower by mentioning his wife.
"Son you..." He looked down for a while before he stood up.

"It's fine father," Alex said approaching his father only to pat his back. His jaw clenched as he did so.

King Edmund then swiftly left the room leaving Alex and I.

"I... I will take you," he said and it felt like I was hearing his voice for the first time.
Maria walked in to the room and took my plate and glass.
"Thank you Maria,"
She simply laughed.


I turned my attention back to Alex only to find him smiling but it quickly wore off when he realized that I was looking at him or maybe it was because I saw him smiling.

"We should get going," he said walking away. I quickly tried to catch up. How was he accompanying me when he walked at least 50 feet before me?
I tried running but I saw no improvement in catching up.

He stopped when he got to a black sports car.

"You are so slow,"

"I don't like that word," I said seriously.
"And you have consider the fact that you are a vampire and I... I'm not,"
I refrained from saying 'human'.

Alex closed the door for me and went to his side.
As we drove away, I could not help but laugh at the type of music he was playing.
Classical music.
Such calm music for someone who was driving like a complete maniac.

In silence we drove into the cemetery only to go through another entrance.
The car stopped and Alex got out of the car before swiftly coming to my side to open the door for me again.

"Gentleman, huh?" I said to myself.

"Thank you," I said as I stepped out of the car.
I felt goosebumps by just being in sight of tombstones.

I walked behind Alex until he stopped in front of a tall tombstone.

"This is... Your mother's tombstone,"

I read her name and closed my eyes.
Suddenly I felt like some was watching us.
I looked over to a tree that was on my left. With the feeling that someone was hiding behind it, I began walking towards it.
"What are you doing Allyson?" 
I asked myself but that did not seem to stop me so I proceeded walking closer to the tree.

I heard movement behind the tree but I still approached the tree slowly.

I was inches away from seeing what or who was behind the tree when stepped on a plastic water bottle.
What seemed like a thousand crows flew all over me and I cringed.
I felt someone picking me up and I began screaming.

Curiosity killed the cat and I was the cat in this case I knew what this meant.

A soft and calm voice called out my name.
My eyes remained shut and I then realized that I was still screaming.
I stopped my screaming and heard the voice calling out my name again.

I recognized the voice and I opened my eyes and saw a face that seemed even more handsome than before. I then felt safe when I realized that I was in his arms.
Silly me. I couldn't help but stare when his face showed concern.

I was in Alexander arms.
"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I... I..." I seemed to have lost all words.
"Can you... Put me down?"
He did just that and I felt like going back. Why did I feel like going back?

"I think we should leave," he said with his addictive voice.
"Focus Allyson. Focus!" I mentally yelled at myself.

"Yah... Y... Yes"

The way back was even more awkward. I just could not way for it to come to an end.

When we arrived at the Lona Palace, Alexander opened the door for me.

"Oh! So now you're opening car doors for her Alex. You didn't answer my phone calls because you were with her," an angry voice said as I got 


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