Chapter 6

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"Alexander, let's excuse Miss Warren." I heard king Edmund say before I heard the door close.

"Mother." I said with the word sounding so foreign to me.

The handwriting looked similar to the one in the letters.
I knew that my mother never wanted to live me. She wrote that in every birthday letter she left for me.

I used to wish that she would be by my side but with every letter, I felt her presence.
I might have never seen her face but her existence was enough for me.

I used to dream of the two is us walking in the park. My small hand in hers. I would sing for her and she would clap and jump around with me but every time I looked at her face I would just see a blur.
I never heard her voice in a single dream but that didn't seem to matter.

Now with a picture of her in my hands just brought tears to my eyes.
I was happy to see what she looked like and at the same time I was sad that I never saw her face in real life I was even more sad that I will never see her face.
The thought of finally seeing her face when I sing for her in my dreams excited me.

My hand brushed the bed and tears just escaped from my eyes like drops of heavy rain on my window.

'She slept in this very room.' I thought to myself.

I laid my head on the bed and closed my eyes so I could just imagine her gently brushing my hair with her hand.

I took a deep breath before standing up.
'Anne Rose. My mother.'

I left the room and rushed to my bedroom before anyone could see me.
I took out my folder file from my bag and opened it revealing all the birthday letters from my mother.
It broke my heart that I was left with one more to open. The 21st letter.
My last letter.

I laid on my bed and held the letter high.

'Allyson.' A voice I could hardly hear called out.
"Allyson." I heard it again but it was dark.

"Allyson, wake up," I opened my eyes and Danielle came to view.

"Hi," I said sitting up. My head span and I figured it was because I hardly ate today.

"Hi. Please get up. I heard that you didn't eat anything today. We are about to have dinner." Danielle said.

"I'm not really hungry." I said trying to avoid living the room.

"Exactly. You're not really hungry. You're just hungry so let's go and I'm not going to have dinner without you." Danielle said with a pout.
I smiled and raised my hands in defeat.

"Dinner it is then." I said standing up and we walked out of the room.

"Allyson, your name is so catchy. To think that I've never met someone with the same name still surprises me because I love it."

"Thank you, Danielle." I said with a smile.
Before we knew it we stepped into the dining room. The amazing aroma hit a nose waking the growling monster in my stomach.

King Edmund and Alex waited patiently for us to join the table.
I sat next to Danielle who sat opposite to Alex.

Susan served us and it hit me. I was the only one who had a plate of food.

Danielle had a cup containing what I assumed was blood. The same applied for king Edmund and Alex.
The only difference was Danielle had a bowl full of strawberries.
She must have noticed my eyes on her 'food' because she mouthed.
'Don't even ask,' before laughing.

I had to forget my uncomfortableness and take a bite of my broccoli.

"Alexander. The last two days must have surely been an eye opener for you. I think it would be best if you stop seeing Lisa." King Edmund said with no room for joking.

"Susan please bring me another glass." Alex said ignoring his father.
When Susan brought another glass is blood. Alex tapped on his phone before standing up from his chair.
"I'll be back in a second."

The atmosphere was left cold.
Like Alex said, he came back quickly.
He came in with a striking red head.

"Hello. Everyone." The girl said taking a sit next to Alex.

"Hi, Lisa." Danielle said with a strawberry in her mouth you could hardly hear her.
"Hi." I said finding something to chew to get rid of the awkwardness.

King Edmund stood up from his chair "Lisa. Excuse me but I have a call to make "

With that he left the room.
So this was the famous Lisa. Like she read my mind. She scanned me for a few minutes.

"Alex, you didn't tell me that you now have dinner with the help,"

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