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You say you understand, but I don't think you do.

You've already rushed in to this relationship, and it's a few hours through.

I get the honeymoon stage, and the wanting to feel happy.

But I get bad vibes from her, and you won't listen.

You told me to just be happy for you, but I don't think I can.

Hearing what I have about her, she doesn't seem too sturdy.

Why won't you listen to me? I'm the only one who hasn't gone away.

The one who you can vent to, but I don't get any praise.

It's not like I know who you are inwards and out. It's not like you haven't come crying to me whenever pains about.

So when I tell you to be careful and cautious, and you say let me be.

It makes me regret being there for you.

I feel like I've been used by everyone at least once.

And I thought you'd be different, if I had to vent a bunch.

Maybe take my thoughts in to considerstion? Oh no no no.

Not for me. Never for me. My opinion doesn't matter.

And yet people always ask why I fight so hard for what I believe in?

Cause the people who are supposed to be my friends, push me aside cause I'm just an underglorified therapist.

Able to be there for anyone, but myself.

I thought you could be a person that I could lean on...

I guess I was wrong

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