the one with the apartment

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Soon enough everyone was eating and talking.

Well, besides you and Jungkook. Neither of you were good at small talk when other people were having conversations.

You both kept quiet with your eyes down.

"So, y/n, what's new with you?" Jin asked you and everyone looked your way. They had been pulled out of their own conversations due to the fact they hadn't seen or heard about you in quite a while. Their curiosity got the best of them.

"Uhhh, nothing much. I've finally purchased an apartment so I don't get told off by mum and dad for using all the wifi." You replied.

"I haven't moved in yet though, I was waiting for a gap in Namjoon's schedule so he can help me because he said he would." you jabbed your chopsticks in your brothers direction cutely as you spoke.

"Cool." Taehyung said and the others nodded. He had known about this already, maybe even before Joon, being your best friend meant you told him everything, from small details of your day to large significant purchases.

"How do you use all the wifi? Netflix?" Jimin asked curiously.

"Well Netflix and gaming. I have a well-loved xbox." You replied.

"What games do you play?" Jungkook said finally speaking during the meal. His own curiosity had got to him, making him speak up as soon as you mentioned in his line of sight.

"Mainly anything FPS (First Person Shooter), like Call of Duty and Overwatch." You replied, finishing your meal politely.

"Really? Do you want to play Overwatch? I have it in my room." You looked dazed for a moment in thought then nodded sheepishly.

"Sure, as long as you are good competition." You said with a sly smile. Your demeanor had changed in about 0.03 seconds.

He smiled in reply, "You're that good, hmm?"

"Well, Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi can't even compare to me. Combined." You said flexing for him a bit. You were a show-man, or should I say show-woman.

"I regret asking Mum and Dad for that xbox for my birthday now." Namjoon muttered shaking his head before picking at his food.

"Let's go, right now." Jungkook said seeming eager to suddenly see how good you were by standing up from the table and excusing himself.

You stood too, grabbing your plate and putting it in the kitchen.

"Yah~ Maknae! Take your plate out too or you will be washing up! Y/n knows how to be a good guest but you can't even be respectful enough to take your plate out in your own home." Jin scolded the maknae.

"Sorry hyung, can we go play now?" He said after stacking yours and his plate in the sink.

"Yep. Keep the noise down though." Jin said sighing out and Jungkook instantly gapped from the room.

"Thanks Seokjin for the lovely meal." You said bowing casually and running off after the disappearing Jungkook.

You followed him and he slid to a stop on the wooden floors before disappearing into a room about 15 metres in front of you. When you reached the doorway, he was turning on the ps4 console and tv that sat across from his large bed.

Soft chatter was coming from the dining room in the otherwise quiet mansion of an apartment.

"Close the door or they will complain." Jungkook said throwing himself onto one side of his bed and clambering backwards so his back was against the wall, he didn't have a headboard like you did but you weren't one to judge.

You did as he said as the game loaded up.

((ik it is isnt a 2 player split screen game but just imagine it is))

"Who do you play?" He questioned you, he was suddenly excited, much like a puppy when it's time for food.

"Sombra or Ana. You?" You said curiously as you sat awkwardly on the corner of his bed.

"Reaper is my favorite but I also like D.Va. I used to only play Sombra, she is really good. But, who will you play to beat me?" he teased a bit.

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