the one with the who-ha

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"He said that?" Jin asked, frowning like the other 5 boys in the room.

"Yeah. And she's so pro-choice that I know she will just go get the abortion. She's just as atheist as I am, so religion won't change her mind. Not that I even want her to change her mind, it does come down to being her choice at the end of the day."

"If she isn't ready then Jungkook has to accept that."

“She should consider his opinion but her choice should be prioritised.”

"I don't think it would be good for the child if they had it so soon."

"I think this could break them apart." 

"He just doesn't seem to understand why she would want to not have a baby at the moment. He needs to know her reasons and that she welcomes the idea sometime in the future just not now."

"Exactly. But I need all of your help to get him to listen." Namjoon said.

"Jungkook!" Jin yelled and everyone turned to look towards the bedrooms of the dorm.

No reply.

"JUNGKOOK!" he yelled louder. Still to no reply.

"Guess we will go to him." He let out and started strutting down the hallway like a confident peacock.

"Don’t let his words get to you. He was being irrational." Taehyung called softly as you sat on the couch. He was making hot chocolates. You were cuddling your Simba-the-lion plushie from Japan.

"I'm not. I fear his demeanor more than his words. I expected him to be calmer, angry of course, but calmer. He came off as if he wanted to hit someone. Even Joonie freaked, he's never that defensive, and refuses to speak up for me on things like this."

"Yeah, Jungkook shouldn't have been that aggressive. He hardly yells, never at Joon-hyung especially. It's just shock, in a few days he will have calmed down and you guys can talk." 

You nodded as he handed you the mug of hot chocolate. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"Not really." 

"I know you do." He sang.

"I don't know what to say about it… he's entitled to his opinion, he is the father after all…" 

"No, don't think like that…" Taehyung said seeing your own thoughts make you upset.

A few tears were silently escaping as you wiped your nose with your sleeve.

"You alone get to make this choice. It is your body, he isn't the one who would have to push a human out of their, yanno, who-ha." 

Your silent crying turned to a soft chuckle at his choice of words. 

"What's so funny?" He whined.

"Why are you talking like a child? You've literally slept with multiple women yet won't say vagina."

"It's weird! You're my friend! I don't wanna picture that!" He whined, throwing himself into the couch with a puff.

"You're such a woose!" You teased, smiling ear to ear, no tears in sight.

"I don't want to talk." Jungkook grumbled, focused on his Call of Duty game that he was wasting at. Clearing taking out his anger in a non-destructive way.

"We don't care if you want to or not." Jin let out, standing in front of the TV that held the FPS game.

"Hyung! You're in the way!" Jungkook growled, clearly still angry.

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