Chapter I The Couples in the Media Center

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Written By: EdgyBiGxrl

Inspired By: Willow

Based off a group of friends


This storyline has been written for entertainment purposes only. The characters in this story are based off of real people but realistically they would never do the things that take place in this. The names of these people have been changed. In real life, no one has died and no one has been injured. This is mature content. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapter I

The Couples in the Media Center

It was just like another day, an early morning in October but it was a little warmer than expected. It was usually about 40 degrees but today it was in the 50's so people were getting comfortable. A little too comfortable.

Gay squad was ready to get this bread. Pj laid on the floor next to Catherine, calling her "Cute, Sugar Pumpkin, Angel," and every other cute little nickname someone would give their girlfriend. Willow walked in with her head under a blanket, biting her nails and mumbling under her breath. Em walked into the Media Center with a smile on her face and rested her head on Willow. Following Em was Ryder, Easton, and Nova. The three talked amongst themselves about something that had happened on Tik Tok late the night before in the group chat. There was always something to be discussed about Tik Tok, especially with Nova. She spent most of her days studying the Tik Tok demographic and how it affects society today. In fact, she had just recently received an A on an essay she wrote about furries and how they have been thriving on social media as of late.

Shortly after, everyone arrived... well almost everyone. Anne and Wyatt were nowhere to be found. Easton started to get worried so Willow excused herself and sat next to Easton, trying to comfort him. Scarlett seemed a little uneasy and walked out of the Media Center at about 7:20, so it was five minutes before the bell rang. It didn't seem like much of a big deal but little did they know, this was the begging of the end.

No on knew where Scarlett went but Nova found it quite odd that she didn't say anything the whole morning. It was a C day so Scarlett had PE with Ryder but she couldn't find her so Ryder walked down to the gym with William. William slept over at Abraham's house that weekend and apparently "Shit went down". The most that I will say about it is that William is no longer a virgin, that's for sure. Ryder and William walked up the bleachers and sat at the top, waiting for Smith to call their names for attendance. Right before Smith started Scarlett walked in and took a seat next to Ryder. Scarlett didn't say another but you could see that in her eyes she had been crying.

The principal got on the loudspeaker and cleared his throat.

I regret to inform you that there was been a tragic incident. Freshman student Wyatt Malcolm's body has been discovered in the janitor's closet in the D wing of the school. It was an apparent homicide. We have recovered a suicide note but it has come to our attention that Wyatt keeps this with him at all times. I don't understand teens these days *sighs*. Police have ruled out suicide so at this time we will now be under a lock down until further notice.

Ryder looked at Scarlett and William. Scarlett looked and Ryder and William looked at Scarlett. No one quite knew how to react. When you lose someone so dear to you, it's hard to come to terms with.

On the other side of the school, Lizzie was having a Panic attack. Most of GS was. Easton was distraught. It had gotten to the point where his teachers had to call an ambulance. He began to have trouble breathing. Back on the other side of CrossTown Performing Arts, Scarlett was just now panicking.

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