Chapter 4

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I spent the whole day with Sam and we got to know each other really well. It turns out we had a lot in common. We played a game of 20 questions and he found out that I'm still a virgin and if it weren't for him I wouldn't be anymore. It made him really angry that his brother apparently almost took my virginity. I had asked what he did to his brother and he said he beat him up and threw him in the dungeon. Apparently his brother had been buying the girls and using them for sex and that he never took advantage of girls. He also promised that he would wait till I was ready before we did the deed. I also told him the three other languages that I speak. He was really impressed about how much I learned for being so young.

    I was walking around the house when I heard someone talking really loud. I followed the sound and I came to Sam's office door. I knocked but I don't think he heard me. I hear a feminine voice and I was instantly jealous. He's my mate and some ones in there doing who knows what with him. I open the door and a bleach blonde is walking up to my mate. She its down on his lap and I want to growl at her for touching my mate. I stop and think to myself, does he really want me? I waited to see what he would do to her.
    "Sasha get off my right now. You know that I have a mate and yet you still try. Get off before I ban you as a rogue," Sam says. I smile at this. He really does care. Next thing I know her lips are on his. My eyes widen at this. I turn around and  start crying. I run downstairs and outside. I run into the woods until I eventually stop. I'm now surrounded by trees and bushes. I walk a little further still crying until I see a small cave. There's one thing you don't know about me, I have powers. I can hide my scent from anyone, I can teleport anywhere, and I have the power to control minds. I hide my scent and walk into the cave. I shift into my pure white wolf and fall asleep. Also I'm the only white wolf left in existance and there are rumors that white wolves were really special and if you found one you'd want to keep and protect it. There are also stories of people who would take advantage of white wolves because of their special powers. That's me. Nobody but my family knows I'm a white wolf. I wonder what they've be doing while I was kidnapped. They loved me to death, sure enough they'd be looking for me. I then fall into a deep sleep.

Sam's POV-

I've gotten to know Alex really well but I still think she's hiding something. I've been in my office for several hours now working on pack stuff. After a while I hear the door open and I get excited hoping that it's Alex but it's only the pack's slut Sasha. She walks towards me and starts talking about nonsense. I don't pay any attention to her because she's not my mate. I see her walking closer to me and now she's on my lap.
    "Sasha get off my right now. You know that I have a mate and yet you still try. Get off before I ban you as a rogue," I say with a slight hit of my Alpha tone. She doesn't listen, instead she smashes her lips onto mine. I push her off and she flies back. I hear crying a footsteps running away. Oh no Alex did not just see that.
    "Yeah she did dumba**" Xavier yells in my head. I look down at Sasha who has a smirk on her lips. I pick her up by her neck and say,
    "You will have a month in the dungeon and there will be more punishment that I see fit during that time for disrespecting your Alpha and future Luna," I yell in her face. I mindlink a guard to take her down to the dungeons. He is here instantly dragging her away. I run out of my office and follow my mates scent. I mindlink for five worriers and a tracker to come with me to help. We follow her scent into the woods and then it just disappears. I growl lowley because my mate is missing.
    "Alpha over here I found something, or someone. It's a white wolf. I thought those were extenic? It doesn't smell like our Luna," the tracker says. I walk over to the little cave and sure enough there is a big white wolf sleeping on the ground. I look at her in amazement. I have no idea what color my mates wolf is, I forgot to ask. But this white wolf smells nothing like her sweet watermelon and strawberry scent. In fact it doesn't really have a scent at all. Then I remember the stories my dad would tell me about how white wolves were special and that there was only one white wolf left in the whole world. She had unique powers and could kill anyone with the flick of your wrist. He also said that if you had a white wolf your pack would be blessed because they're so special.
    "We're making camp here for the night. We'll wait till she wakes up and see if she wants to join our pack. It would be nice to have a white wolf on our side. We all laid down around the cave and fell asleep waiting for the she-wolf to wake up.

Alex's POV-

    I wake up and smell seven wolves in front of me. I stand and see just that. There are seven wolves sleeping on the ground in front of the cave. I'm assuming they want my help for something because my mate is here. He can't smell me because I've hid my scent. They all start to wake up and look at me. Sam stands up and starts walking towards me. I start to back away because he has no idea it's me and I don't know what he wants with a white wolf. He stops when he notices that I'm backing up.
    "I'm Samuel Black Alpha of the Red Stone Pack. I was out with some of my warriors looking for my mate when we found you instead. I was wondering if you would want to join my pack and if you could help me find my mate?" he asked. I knew I couldn't join his pack because then he would find out it was me. I shook my wolf head telling him no.
    "No to joining my pack?" he asked. I shook my head yes.
    "What about helping me find my mate?" I thought about how I was suppose to go "find" me and then leave without him knowing.  I shook my head yes and walked out of the cave. I started walking and then noticed that they were following. I turned and glared at them.
    "You want us to stop here?" Sam asked. I shook my head yes. I started walking again and then took off in a sprint. I ran behind a tree and changed the color of my fur to black. Sorry forgot to mention that. I left my scent out and started towards my mate. I didn't want to find him, I wanted him to find me. I ran towards that way but when I was close enough I was going to turn but was attacked by a rogue. I howled in pain as he bit my leg hoping Sam would be on his way.

Hey guys thought y'all would like a treat. Here's another chapter just for y'all. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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