11 | cursed

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"YOU'RE NEVER GOING to be able to do it," Nick declares a few hours later

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"YOU'RE NEVER GOING to be able to do it," Nick declares a few hours later. Selene had tracked him down in the school hallway to ask him about getting one of Sabrina's father's journals from the library. She would get it herself, but her father would know Selene had tried to help Sabrina figure out the configuration.

"It's not for me, it's for Sabrina," Selene tells him, stuffing the configuration in her backpack. "There must be something in one of those journals that can help her figure this thing out. So pretty please help me get one of the books."

"If we got caught, we'd both be expelled from the academy."

"Not if I told my dad it was my idea," Selene exclaims. "I could easily get you out of trouble- Ow!"

"You okay?" Nick questions, as Selene drops her bag, clutching her hand. When she looks at it, she sees that she has three burns running across her hand. As she notices it, Nick's eyes widen. "Selene, your nose is bleeding."

She then touches her nose gingerly, and sure enough, blood is trickling down her nose. With her good hand, she throws her bag over her shoulder and runs as fast as she can towards the girls locker room.

"Somebody cursed me," the girl breathes angrily as she pushes through the door to the girls locker room. Nick hurries in after her, but turns around once she begins to peel her clothing off.

She doesn't even care if he sees her fully naked as she pulls her shoes off, and lets her dress fall to the ground. She then removes her undergarments, using her powers to turn the shower water on. The only thing she cares about right now is removing the curse.

She then lets the cool water run down her skin, jerking the shower curtain closed behind her as she begins to scrub her skin roughly. "If I truly am cursed today, let water wash the hex away. If I truly am cursed today, let water wash the hex away."

Once she's done scrubbing herself, she peaks out of the shower stall, realizing that Nick is still there. He's concerned for her, and raises an eyebrow as he hands her a towel. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine now," Selene breathes, watching as the burn on her hand finishes healing. But then she glances down at her dress. "But my clothes aren't. I'll have to burn them."

"I'll go get you another outfit," Nick says before heading to the girl's bedroom. He grabs her a sweatshirt and denim jeans, also getting a pair of sandals. Once he returns, Nick turns around again and lets her change.

Once she's dressed, she storms into the big room where most of the academy's female students sleep. The only people she can think would want to curse her are the Weird sisters, and she's not surprised to find them sitting on their beds. "You three are unbelievable!"

"Oh, what's gotten you so upset this time?" Prudence questions, slamming her book shut tiredly.

"Don't play dumb!" Selene hisses, unaware that Prudence actually doesn't know what she's talking about.

"I don't play dumb," Prudence remarks, amused. "If I do something, I own up to it proudly."

"Oh, so it's just a coincidence that I choked you earlier and then somebody cursed me?" Selene retorts, completely unaware the girl that did it is closer than she thinks. "And is it a coincidence that you cursed Sabrina a couple of weeks ago?"

"As much as I would love to curse you, it wasn't me or my sister's," Prudence quips. "You've got the wrong girls."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't care if you don't believe me," Prudence shrugs, quickly growing bored with the conversation. "It wasn't me, and that's the truth."

"You're lying!" Selene hisses, shooting forward and slapping Prudence harshly. Prudence lets out a surprised cry of pain, before she narrows her eyes at Selene.

"You trashy bitch," Prudence huffs before her fist connects with Selene's jaw. Despite the pain that quickly grows in her cheek, Selene doesn't show any sign of it.

In fact, she smiles before shooting forward and grabbing Prudence by the shoulders, knocking her to the ground. Prudence, however, uses her powers to trip the strawberry blonde and once Selene hits the hard floor, she rolls on top of the girl, wrapping her hands around Selene's throat.

Selene gasps in pain, clutching her throat as her oxygen gets cut off before she narrows her eyes at Prudence, using her powers to set the girl's hair on fire.

The Weird sisters yell in fear as Prudence jumps off of Selene. Nick, however, is the first one to actually do something since he uses his powers to stop the fire. "That's enough!"

"Okay, I don't think we got all of the hex off," Nick declares, bending down and throwing the strawberry blonde over his shoulder. "Lets get you back to the Spellman's house. Maybe they can fix you."

"It has nothing to do with the hex, because that bitch got what was coming to her."


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