15 | the handmaiden

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the handmaiden.

"SABRINA! YOU COULD'VE been sacrificed!" Selene hisses angrily an hour later once her, Sabrina, Ambrose, Hilda, and Zelda have gathered in the Spellman's kitchen

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"SABRINA! YOU COULD'VE been sacrificed!" Selene hisses angrily an hour later once her, Sabrina, Ambrose, Hilda, and Zelda have gathered in the Spellman's kitchen.

"I didn't think Zelda would let me go through with the drawing!"

"Oh, so it's my fault that you decided to play a game of chicken with me in front of the entire coven?" Zelda scoffs in disbelief. "That's rich."

"Right, well, what's done is done," Hilda sighs, trying to calm the trio down. "Let's just praise Satan. He decided to spare Sabrina and Zelda."

"That's where you're wrong," Selene shakes her head, slowly sipping a cup of tea in an attempt to calm her nerves. "Sabrina gets to be Prudence's handmaiden for the next three days."

"The queen's exhalation is the highest honor, so for the next three days, while the coven fasts and prepares for the feast, the handmaiden must indulge the queen's every whim," Zelda quips, making Selene frown. She would rather poke her own eyes out than take care of Prudence, so it's a good thing she wasn't chosen as a tribute.

"Great," Sabrina nods in exasperation. "I'm supposed to spoil the girl who harrowed me."

"Preferably with figs and wild berries to sweeten her meat before the feast," Ambrose comments, making Selene feel like she's gonna throw up.

"That's so gross," the strawberry blonde grimaces. "I might hate her, but there's no way in hell I'm eating Prudence."

"Yeah, that's not even funny, Ambrose," Sabrina frowns at her cousin.

"Oh, come on, cous, it's a little funny," Ambrose insists, but nobody is laughing. "Prudence getting her desserts by literally becoming the dessert."

The doorbell then rings, and everybody exchanges troubled glances, not wanting to get the door.

"Not it!" Sabrina and Selene chirp in unison, putting their pointer fingers on their noses. This action is an old joke between the girls and Ambrose, so Ambrose sighs, knowing he's the one who has to go get the door.

Selene and Sabrina follow Ambrose to the door, but linger in the hallway as he throws open the door. Prudence stands on the other side, and once she lays eyes on Ambrose, she smirks, looking him up and down. "Why, hello there."

She walks into the house, and as she does, Ambrose admires at her with the look he usually reserves for Selene. Selene stares at the two, biting her tongue to keep from making a remark that could make Ambrose think she's jealous. Which is exactly what she is. "Who might you be?"

"I'm Queen of the Feast," Prudence answers, sauntering towards Sabrina and Selene.

"In that case, do come in," Ambrose smiles, as Prudence reaches Sabrina and Selene.


"Handmaiden and the Handmaiden's girlfriend."

"We're not dating," Sabrina and Selene point out. "We both have boyfriends."

"Shame. You'd make a cute couple," Prudence remarks, plucking an apple out of a bowl sitting on a nearby desk. "I assume my room's upstairs? I'm dying for a warm buttermilk bath. And a plate of macrons."

Prudence then prances up the stairs, with Sabrina not far behind her. Selene, however, stays behind, narrowing her eyes at Ambrose. "Seriously?"

He shrugs, making the girl scoff. She doesn't even wait for him to reply, she just storms out of the room. She heads down to the Spellman's cellar, pulling out a bottle of vodka. She opens it before easily downing half of it. She continues to drink until she hears a loud banging sound from upstairs, and when she heads upstairs to check it out, she finds several students from the Academy of Unseen Arts half-clothed. Prudence is at the very center, and when they all turn to her, she realizes that Nick, Ambrose, and the other Weird sister's are amongst the group.

"Oh, bloody hell," Selene's eyes widen once she realizes that she's just walked in on the group hooking up. Normally, she would be jealous of Nick and Ambrose hooking up with other people, but she's too drunk to care right now.

Prudence smirks at Selene once she spots her. "Join us, Selene."

Despite knowing she'll regret this tomorrow, Selene smirks. She pulls her clothes off, completely aware that Nicholas and Ambrose have completely forgotten about Prudence, and both have their eyes set on her. She then joins them, focusing on Nick and Ambrose. Nick has never felt about anyone the way he feels about her, she's like a drug that he can never get enough of. He loves her personality, her smile, everything about her. Ambrose has loved her for as long as he can remember, and he didn't realize it at first. It just happened. He found that he cared for her a lot more than he should, and slowly, he fell in love with her. And while he knows he shouldn't be doing this, he can't stop himself from kissing her.

Both boys spend the next half hour kissing her, but she's slightly surprised when Nick pulls away, glancing between her and Ambrose. "Wanna take this to your room, Selene? Just the three of us."

"Hell yes."


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