Undying Love

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After Christmas, Lexi and Josh were living a quiet life. Josh was practically waiting on Lexi's every demand, as due to her being so short, moving about was becoming increasingly difficult. It was now Valentine's Day, and Lexi was 2 weeks away from her due date. Josh entered the bedroom with a breakfast fit for his goddess. Pancakes with a mixture of berries, syrup, a glass of orange juice, complete with a rose, a card and a little present for her.

Josh: Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty...

Lexi stirred as she groggily woke up, holding her bump, which had grown as big as it could be.

Lexi: Ugh... morning.

Josh: Rough night?

Lexi: You don't know the half of it... I just wanna meet our son already... he was kicking like hell in here last night.

Josh smiled as he kissed her.

Josh: Well, babe, I might have something that'll cheer you up.

Josh revealed her breakfast, complete with a rose and a card, as he hid the present behind his back.

Lexi: Ohh, baby, it's perfect!

Josh: Anything for my beautiful fiance on Valentine's Day.

Lexi smiled at him and kissed him once more.

Josh: And that's not all...

He reveals his present to her, which is a framed picture of him and Lexi backstage at Wrestlemania the previous year with both their titles. Lexi almost cried at how far both he and Josh had come since then. 

Lexi: Oh my god, last year, at Mania...

Josh: I thought you might like it...

Lexi: Well, I think you'll like what I got you...

Lexi went to the drawer and pulled out a card, as well as a very special gift.

Lexi: Now, I didn't wanna spoil you with something expensive. So I had a look in that box your dad sent you at Christmas, and picked out all the stuff and photos that involved your mum, and made it into a scrapbook. That way, you won't lose a single memory of her again...

Josh gently took hold of the book and looked through all the memories Josh had with his mum, and he grabbed Lexi's hand instinctively as Josh teared up, but noticed the last few pages were empty...

Lexi: These last few pages are for us... for when we become a mum and dad... and we can keep it for our children's kids when they're older, and so on and so forth...

Josh: This is the best gift anybody has ever given me, I love you so much, baby...

Lexi smiled as a tear ran down her face and loads of tears ran down Josh's.

Lexi: Happy Valentine's Day... my Joshy...

Josh: Happy Valentine's Day... my Blissy-Boo...

They kissed as they continued to look through Josh's childhood before they enjoyed breakfast, and settled on a Disney movie marathon.

Nearly 2 weeks had passed since Valentine's Day, and it was the day Lexi was due to give birth. She just came out of the shower and was drying herself off when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She passed it off as nothing, but then another pain hit her once again a few minutes later, and then she felt something running down her leg as she was putting on her shirt. She slowly looked down and noticed a puddle between her legs.

Lexi: JOSH!!!

Josh sprinted to the bedroom, where he saw Lexi gripping the bed rails, taking some deep breaths.

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