Planning For The Future

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Josh didn't know what to think at that moment in time. The man and people with him, were actually his dad, Gareth, as well as his brother and sister, Callum and Ellie.

Josh: But... what are you guys doing here?

Callum: Well, we could say the same of you, bro. We're just here on our holiday, and it's our last night, what about you?

Josh: Same. I'm here with my fiance, and our son. We leave tomorrow as well.

Ellie: Hold the phone! You've got a fiance?! And a baby?!

Josh: Yes, Ellie, I do. So, since it's getting late for asking questions right now, and our flight is tomorrow afternoon, would you guys want to meet my fiance and baby boy for breakfast tomorrow or something?

Gareth: Sure, just name the time and place.

Josh: How about... 10.30 at the breakfast cafe?

Ellie: See you there!

Josh exchanged numbers with all three of them before heading off back to Lexi and Ethan. When he got there, he saw both his fiance and his son fast asleep, which made him smile. As he got into bed, he saw Lexi was asleep, and whispered to himself.

Josh: I can't believe this has happened... I found my family, after all this time...

As he fell asleep, he didn't know that Lexi was still awake and only pretending to be asleep, and as he drifted off, she smiled, and was happy for him.

Lexi: Wow... this is a dream come true...

The next morning, the sound of Ethan's crying woke the pair up, and Josh was immediately up like a shot, tending to Ethan's needs. Not long after, Lexi woke up as well, and smiled at the sight before her, a true father-son bonding moment.

Lexi: Morning, boys.

Ethan cooed at his mum while Josh gave her a kiss.

Josh: So, I have some news for you...

Lexi took hold of Ethan as Josh explained himself.

Josh: Last night, on my walk, I ran into some people I hadn't seen for a long time... my dad, brother and sister.

Lexi: Oh my god! Babe, that's amazing!

Josh: And if you want to, I may have arranged plans for us to meet up with them for breakfast. You up for that?

Lexi: Definitely! I just hope they like me...

Josh: Don't you worry, they'll love you! And soon, my family and your family will become OUR family...

They got ready, got Ethan dressed and made their way to the cafe to meet up with Josh's family. When they arrived, Josh gave each of them a hug, and introduced them to Lexi and Ethan.

Josh: Lexi, meet my dad, Gareth, my brother Callum, and my sister Ellie.

Lexi hugged them all one by one, as Josh went to get Ethan.

Lexi: And here's our little bundle of joy, Ethan.

The family gathered around Josh, who was holding him.

Ellie: Oh my god! He's just the cutest little one I've ever seen!

Callum: I'll admit, he is a bit of a looker!

Gareth: How old is he?

Lexi: Just shy of a month.

Ellie: He's just adorable!

Josh: Everyone's saying that...

After a filling breakfast, all of them went back to their rooms, got their luggage packed and then met up at the exit, one last time before heading home.

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