Chapter 7: Broken

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She sat at the side of her bed, her feet aching from running, and just as she were to stand up, the piercing sound of glass shattering filled the Halls. It alerted the butlers and the maids in the house, and the house was then filled with worry and footsteps. (Y/n) walked towards the door and gently opened it, wondering if there was a problem downstairs. She went down the wooden steps and asked "What is all this commotion?"

A familiar face came to her attention. "Seryla? I've missed you so much!" (Y/n) cried as Seryla saw her and pulled her into a hug. "I missed you too my darling." Her voice as sweet as honey. "What happened? I heard something shatter." (Y/n) looked around worried. The lady with the flowy brown hair and blue eyes gave (y/n) a serious look on her face "I think it's time that you understood what's somewhat going on in this house. I cannot tell you much, but I can show you."

As the rest of the unseen maids and butlers were trying to find the broken item, Seryla held (y/n)'s hand and led her to the library area of her house. "This is very important" Seryla began. "These books here, aren't ordinary books. You need to pull them out in the order: House of Thieves, Demon's Call, The Shattering, and The Rite of Flame." Seryla showed her before a secret passage was opened up, a place in the house (y/n) never noticed before.

The two walked down the stairs from the library to what seemed to be an underground cellar, to find two rooms. Seryla knelt down to her level and gripped each of (y/n)'s shoulders with her hands. "Never ever go into the room on the right. It holds things you do not want to see." (Y/n) nodded, slightly curious. The two then headed left to find an office that looked as if it was out from a vintage movie.

Two giant single cushion chairs were facing each other with a coffee table distancing them as everything sat on top a fluffy cream coloured carpet. The walls were painted in crimson with the finest of designs while the curtains were of satin and had lace at the bottom. "W-What is this place?" (Y/n) questioned in awe. Seryla simply gave her a warm and loving smile "This was, and still is, you father's old office. He came here whenever he felt disturbed and did his work here."

(Y/n) then turned to Seryla as she took a few steps onto the soft carpet, asking "Why did you bring me here?" Seryla sighed and walked towards something with (y/n) following from behind. "The Rite that you father made has been broken. Everyone is trying to find what shattered, and this is what it was. But you must promise me not to tell any other butler or maid. None of them know about it except for Gideon and I." (Y/n) looked at her confused. "Rite? It looks just like a wine glass!"

"That's how they disguised it. Nobody would expect it to be a rite, signed by both your father and the radio demon..." Seryla sighed. (Y/n) couldn't understand. "The Radio Demon..? Who's that?" She questioned. Seryla's blue eyes became red as she replied. "Alastor." (Y/n) backed away in fear "S-Seryla... you're eyes are a piercing shade of r-red.." she stuttered. Seryla then took notice "Ah, forgive me...I didn't mean to.." (Y/n) looked at her, eyes squinted. "You're a demon too?"

Seryla nodded. "I tried to protect your mother when.. that... happened, but... Well let's just say Alastor and I don't have a good relationship when it comes to one another. I would always follow your mother's command, but I never followed his, which made him upset. (Y/n), don't trust him too much..." Secrets were slowly unravelling before her as Alastor said it would, but this was only a small fragment from the thousands of pieces that she had to find and put together.

"We must take you back to the surface, before he realises that you are missing." Seryla mentioned before she took (Y/n)'s hand and left the office, (Y/n) looking back at it as the door seemed to close by itself. Seryla picked her young mistress up and dashed up the cobblestone staircase, back into the library as the door to the passage opened and closed. Seryla smiled at (Y/n) once more before leaving her side. "Seryla wait!" (Y/n) called out, but she ignored for she was afraid that she might get her young mistress into trouble.

(Y/n) left the library and headed back to her room since she now knew what shattered. Her hand glided across the smooth railing as she went up the staircase. But time seemed to stop when she heard muffled shouting. "You think I didn't see what you did, Seryla?!" A distorted voice echoed. "What's wrong, her mother instructed me to bring her there at least once!" A shrieking voice replied. "Her mother is long dead. No need to follow her commands no more." Alastor growled.

"And how about you? You broke the rite! Why should I even take orders from you?!" Seryla replied, angered. (Y/n) felt the feeling in her gut, even if she were to die today, that she had to so something. Her chest was burning with anger as she heard the two fight. She figured that she had all the right to control them for they belong to her parents, so she stormed into the room to find Alastor and Seryla fighting each other.

"Can you two contain yourselves?!" She shouted. Alastor and Seryla looked at her, slightly awkward. "(Y/n).. what are you doing here child?" Seryla questioned, shocked. "I don't like how you two are fighting... so could you guys stop?" She beckoned. Alastor glared at Seryla, and then shifter his gaze to (Y/n). "That wasn't very gentlemanly of me, My apologies." He replied, clearing his throat as he straightend out his attire. "(Y/n), I need a word with you." Alastor sighed as he left the room, holding the college student's hand.

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