Chapter 3: Devilish

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Alastor and (Y/n) sat in silence inside (Y/n)'s lecturing room. She was too terrified to speak, and she could see a smirk on Alastor's face. No matter what kind of demon species, demons love to be feared. Alastor was no exception, for he loved the feeling he gets when he controls someone to who will obey him. A feeling rose in (Y/n)'s gut that this demon was only acting nice just for show, but she wasn't too sure herself.

"H-Have you been on earth before?" She asked, breaking the silence, but her eyes did not leave the floor. Alastor let out a fear-stirring chuckle as he replied "Well, I have, but it was way before you were born, I bet." He then put his hand under her chin and moved her chin up somewhat forcefully so that she would look at him. "I guess you still aren't warming up to me. Why so?" He asked, still with that grin on his face. (Y/n)'s eyes returned their first position, once again looking at the ground.

"Y-You're a demon... how can I just trust a being who could literally just snap his or her fingers and take my s-soul out of my body...?" Her voice, shaky. Alastor rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed on how this girl in front of him wouldn't look at him in the eyes when she speaks. Just as (Y/n) was about to fall asleep, she heard the sound of the signature beeping of the school bus. Her eyes quickly darted to look at the clock only to realise that it was already the next day.

"Crap! How am I going to stay awake?!" She began to panic. Her eyes turned to where Alastor was sitting, but he was no longer there. She sighed in relief "I... I must be imagining things..." She assured herself before she took out a sharp and slightly rusted metal piece from her pencil box. She knew that if she couldn't stay awake, her classmates would take that opportunity to maybe lock her in a locker and throw the key away somewhere. She took the makeshift blade and stabbed her thigh a few times, hoping that the sensation of pain will keep her awake for the time being.

Again, the day went on as every other day, where her hair will get pulled and that she would be either slapped, punched, or tripped by someone. But little did she know that the tables were going to turn, literally. As she sat alone during the lunch hour, she began to each her probably poisoned food and glanced over to see a bunch of girls gossiping and pointing at her. Her expression somewhat saddened but quickly shaken off, unlike 'someone' who was annoyed at the girls for talking trash.

Two red eyes glew in the dark corners where the shadows lived. One girl saw this and told the others to turn to see if her vision was playing tricks on her. One by one, they began wondering what it was. Suddenly, the lights in the area began to flicker and there was a chant being whispered into the ears of every person who ever abused (Y/n). The chant wasn't understandable, and people asked around if others could hear it too. There were two to three people besides (Y/n) who couldn't seem understand what was going on in the cafeteria as they fixed their vision on the confused faces of the students.

Suddenly, the table tops began to vibrate and soon after, they began spinning around a full three hundred and sixty degrees. The students looked around, screaming at the sinister sight. The curtains were then shut, and not even the strongest student could push it open, then every light in the cafeteria broke, one by one, sending sparks to fly everywhere. (Y/n) hid under the table as if she knew it was going to happen, but the strange part was that she didn't.

Her bully noticed her under the table, completely calm and eating her lunch as if this was normal. "H-HEY YOU! You're causing all this!! Everyone's freaking out and you're just sitting there calmly, as if you know what's about to happen next!" The boy ran up to her, his fist balled up with anger as he was ready to punch her. However, his fist was blocked by some kind of barrier that made her face just a few centimetres away. "W-What..?!" He stuttered. As the last light bulb broke, everyone's screams became inaudible.

No matter how hard they'd try to scream, nothing came out. The quiet cafeteria was then filled with the sound of tapping footsteps.




(YouTube Video Provided) "We'll... meet again... don't know where... don't know when..." a voice sung before a light chuckle was heard. "But I know we'll meet again some sunny day... Keep smiling through... just like you..  always do.." it sang again followed with another chuckle. " til the blues skies drive the dark clouds.... far... away~" And a snap resonated, causing everyone to fall to the ground. All except (Y/n), who began to realise the situation and began hyperventilating. She knew for a fact that this was Alastor's voice, for was distinct, and this proved to her that he was no imaginary friend.

"Won't you.. please say hello, to the folks that I know, tell them I won't be long." He grinned referencing his friends in Hell. "They'll be happy to know... that the useless young souls, heard me singing this song..." He chuckled again as he saw souls coming out from the students and leaving their fleshy bodies to go to Hell. He then grabbed (y/n) from under the table and twirled her around as he sang "Keep smiling through, just like you... always do... til the blue skies drive the dark clouds... far away~"

She remembered the second rule, dance if he invites. So she did, and the two danced amongst the corpses, time standing still. "There... that wasn't so bad, now was it?" He grinned. In her head, all she could think of was "psychopath", which made Alastor bow like a gentleman, assumingly taking it as some sort of sick compliment, which made (Y/n) begin to question her life choices.

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