The Trap Part 3

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Bail organa pov.
I was on the comman ship look at battle in space until a rebel soldier came up to me. What is it soldier? I ask. We received a strange signal from inside the ship. He said. Do you have a lock on it? No sir but if we move around maybe we can a lock on it. Bail I want you and some soldiers to have look around and find the signal. Mon mothma said. Right let's go. Leia I'll be right back. Ok father. She said and we left.

10 minutes later.
We were still looking around the ship to triangle the signal. Going from room to room but ended up in a dead end. Then a beeping noise came on. Sir I think we got the signal. It's just up a head. The soldier said. Alright let's see who this spy really is. We reach the room and I couldn't believe it. Sir you don't think... the soldier was able to ask. No I think so. The spy could be use this room for a cover up. Let check it out to be sure. I said and we walk in.

We look around the room for any clues. One of the soldiers said something. Sir we found something. What is it? This computer contains our data on it. If we heck into it and see who been sending our date and transmissions to the emperor. We'll have our spy. Ok. He open the computer and hack in. Ok come up on the person who the spy. We look at the name and was in shock. Sir its...its... Me! We turned around and saw leia.

Leia pov.
Well father it's seems you found out the truth. I said. Leia how could you do this me? He ask. What that the rebellion has been losing because of me. It was all my emperors plan. To send information to him so you won't succeed. You thought that captain orrelios was the spy but you were wrong. The spy your looking for is right here and also I'm an assassin.

It pains me to do this. Soldiers arrest her. I don't think so. I raise my hand and push them back with the force. Knocking them out including my so called father. Oh I forget to tell you that I'm not just a assassin. I'm a sith assassin. Now to contact the emperor.

I went to my desk and contacted him. He answer back. Yes leia you called? He ask. My emperor I been discover by bail organa. He knows I'm the spy. So I'm leaving the ship and coming to the star destroyer. I said. I sending hera and ahsoka to pick you up.

Get to one the air locks. I'll disable the ships blasters. Very good. The transmission ended and I got on my computer and hack into the ship. Disabling the ship's  blaster system. There we go. There down.

WARNING SHIP HAS LOST BLASTER POWER! The alarm system said. Now to make my escape. I said and grab my things and went to the airlock.

2 minutes later.
I reach the airlock and got single. Leia were at the airlock. Hera said. The door open and I walk in. I was meet with ahsoka and hera. A job well done agent leia. The emperor is most pleased. Ahsoka said. Yes I know. It's go to be here then with those rebels. I said. It's good to have you here. Hera said. It's good to be here.

One hour later.
Emperor Star Destroyer
The rebellion pulled back from their attacks and retreated like crowds. Me, hera, and ahsoka were walking to ezra's room. We came in and saw the other assassins. Leia glad you could make it. He said. Sorry emperor I couldn't keep my identity a secret. It's ok because I have another spy in their ranks right now.

She will keep a close eye in them. And by the way. Here's your new clothes and lightsaber for you. Thank you master. I always wanted one of these. I said and turn on the lightsaber.

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