Chapter 5

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We started to skip rocks in the pond.

It was quiet for a while. Stuck in our own thoughts. Until he broke the silence.

"Yeah same with my real mom too."

I was about to skip a rock but then paused and saw him looking at me.

He looked away and skipped the rocks again.

"She drowned when we were still a normal family. We were on a cruise ship and I've heard many times that she was drunk and fell off during a party. I don't believe them. She hated the smell and was sensitive to every food. She would've known if she got spiked or if there was alcohol."

"Did the police tell you that."

He blinked a few times, furrowed his brows and tilted his head up a bit. "No. My father did." He skipped the rock so hard it went half way through the pond.

"So. Anything could've happened to her before her death is what your saying."

He took a breath in and calmed down. "Well yes and no. I have a bet on what did it."

"Huh?" I was so confused.

"You're not the only family with dark secrets." He got up and held his hand out.

"Cmon lets go."

"I can get up myself." I told him getting up.

I dusted myself off and started to walk. He followed behind.

"So..." he started. "Why did you want the guard to follow?"

I shot him a look to be quiet.

"You never know who's watching. Or listening. I'm the niece of the all scary Carter. Of all people I'm pretty sure your know what a reputation can do to you."

"Oh, so-"

"Hey Mr. Bodyguard. Did you eat?"

"No ma'am not yet."

"We'll go inside and eat I can't have you faint on the job. Chop chop go into the house first. If anyone says anything tell them I told you, you may take your lunch break."

"Yes ma'am." The body guard walked away swiftly.

"You call that mean?" Ethan said while the body guard was not longer in ear shot.

"Oh I like my body guards. They care more than my uncle. Only -of course- if no one else is around."

Ethan followed me into the kitchen and I asked the elders if they could cook him something to eat and assist the body guard if he wanted anything else. They smiled and complied.

I went to check up on Doctor Amy.

*Knock Knock*

I whispered "Doctor Amy are you up?"

I waited for a minute and started to walk back to the kitchen. Until I got pulled into one of the hospital rooms.

I took out the knife in my boot until I realized it was Doctor Amy.

"Woah there sweetie don't hurt me now" she chuckled.

"Oh" I put the knife back into my boot. "Gosh don't scare me like that."

"Psh, I saw that."

"Saw what?" I scoffed.

"You with that Ethan boy." She raised her brow.


"Annnnnnnnd he's you're age-"

"Nope not going to happen."

"You're sixteen Lucy-"

"And I rather die alone than ever think to be with him."

"Lame. You already took the first step of being a teenager."

"And that's is?"

"Taking a long walk-"

"PSH! No it was just we didn't want the body guard to hear what we were saying-"

"Y'all have secrets now!? O m g-"

I sighed. "Doctor Amy. Him Ethan William."

She looked at me confused.

"THE presidents son is in our mansion right now who is in the kitchen and you think ME of all people would get with him?!"

"Why not-"

"He's in the good side of things. I'm not. I'm supposed to be trained to kill not trained to take care of people."

"Faith can always changed."

"Yes. Hopefully it will, and I don't want him in my picture."

"Whatever~ I'm going to do my rounds-"

"Are you sure or are you going to continue stalking other innocent, innocent people?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Psh shut up you weirdo." She laughed walking out the door.

I went out going into the kitchen chuckling as well.

"Hi honey how are things with the presidents boy."

"His name is Ethan and things are so far normal I guess."

"Okay cool tell him to come to my office if you find him."


"Do as I say Lucy stop asking so much question. Now go fetch him I don't have all day." He stopped upstairs.

"The fuck?" That was weird, I thought.

I went into the kitchen and Ethan was bonding with Mr.Body guard. Wait-

His bonding with Mr.Body guard?!

"Hello Miss, I was just talking to Ethan. He's pretty cool." Mr. Body guard smiled.

"Well I'm being called by Mr.Carter I'll talk to both of you later."

I sat across from Ethan drinking his ice tea smirking.

"What are you smirking at." I said harshly.

"Geez, even I can make friends-"

"Mhm whatever, Uncle Carter is looking for you. What did you do?"

"Huh? Nothing. Why would he want me?"

"Oh I don't know go find out."

I stomped out with Ethan following me.

"This whole hallways is off limits since he does all his business here. This is hopefully the last time you ever have to come up here."

"Uh... Hopefully?"

"Mhm. Go straight turn right on the 5th door and that's his office. Bye." With that I left.

There's nothing good when uncle Carter wants something for someone. He usually likes the challenge or doing things himself.

"Ethan better not sign his own death and say something stupid." I whispered to myself going to my room.

Why do I even care?

Heya :) Hope this chapter wasn't too boring:)

What's up with uncle Carter wanting to talk to Ethan?

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