Chapter 4

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"Wake up."

He grunted as he faced me.

"Oh, you look pathetic.. get up."

He put a pillow over his head and mumbled something I couldn't understand. I took the pillow from him and he said, "Ugh, I said to get out!"

"I don't think you've notice but I gave you your own bedroom and I haven't bugged you for a week Mr., I need to show you around-"

"Why can't I stay here and die."

I was quite and just stared at him. Ugh this boy is so frustrating! The least he can do is cooperate. Is it that hard to do?!

"You have 15 minuets." I tossed him his pillow back, marched out his room and slammed the door.

"Woah.. you okay there sweetie?" Uncle looked at me and smiled. "Anything happened-"

"Nope." I went straight into my room and slammed that door too. Then of course I realized who I was talking and went back out. "No Uncle you have a great day. See you later! Love ya!" I smiled and he looked puzzled. Of course he didn't care, smiled and walk away.

Like what every one else does.

"God why does everyone have to interrupt my thoughts! I will ki-"


I opened the door and saw no one else but the all famous Ethan. Not going to lie, he looks less fucked up now.

"Ah your face is getting better"

"You like you like?" he winked.

"No" I walked away with him following.

"Uh ouch."

"Yeah practice your 'ouch' cause one day you're going to get it." I frowned

He was quiet a bit walking down the stairs behind me. "Noted."

While we were eating breakfast he asked what we were going to do today.

"What do you want to do?"

He looked at me confused "Seriously?"

"Before I change my mind-"

"I want to walk around the forest with you..?"

Now I looked at him confused.

"What? I want to go down to that lake.."

"How do you even know about that"

He scratched his head, "Well uh you see, yesterday I went to the top of the roof to just think and look at the moon and I saw the pond-"

"Okay lets go." I agreed.

"Really? You-"

"I could snap your neck if you try anything,"

"Right... I'm with Lucy right now"

"What was that supposed to mean-"

He got up and grabbed my hand. "C'mon slow poke lets go."

While walking out the door I told my security guard and he was about to follow and I said too only guard out of the forest and wait.

"Oh so you don't trust m-"

I whispered, "Shh shut up I'll explain later."

Now we were actually walking into the forest going into the lake.

"I tried to escape once."

"You did?" He looked at me shocked.

I sighed, "Yeah-"

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