Chapter 1

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"Hey Mr. Body Guard!"


"I don't get why you're all scared of me."

He slightly looked down at me while staying in his position.

"Look at me like that again and I'll personally slit your throat." I smiled. I like seeing them scared of a little 16 year old girl.

"Damn you should of seen your face!!" I wiped the tear in eye from laughing so hard.

"C'mon you and your mates are going to eat breakfast with me. So, where do you wanna go?"

"That's okay Miss we'll pass for today."

"Suit yourself."

Since my body guards didn't want to go out and have breakfast with me I decided to just get cereal from the kitchen.

Until of course, the silence broke.


I heard screaming from the front of my house.

"Gee, its so early. Well I guess I have to go and check it out"

I went outside to see what was going on. A man, mid thirties¿, has no life, probably single with no kids. Maybe even a high school drop out and-

My thoughts were interrupted by his dreadful screaming.


I snapped back.

"Well if you didn't go digging around the dark web you wouldn't be here now would you? Now you're going to die and no one will miss you because of how you are as a person. Pathetic."

He started to sweat even harder. With that bag over his head and two men twice his size grabbing his arms.. I'm not surprised.

"B-by the sound of your voice miss..h-how is a little girl like you in control of this. The person that threatened me, he said he was the devil himself!! How are you-"

"Shut up." he did just that. "Your mouth is the reason you're going to die today. I was debating if I should give you a last meal but oh well. Take him away boys, have fun."

He started to scream louder... and louder. The two men tighten the bag over his head and he's bound to loose air and faint soon. Sad, he could of left this earth quiet. I probably should of mentioned that we are in the middle of no where with miles away from the closest road.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. So early in the morning. Poor guy." I stood there in my drive way seeing that guy for the last time. Being dragged away. "Probably didn't keep his end of the deal. Ahh whatever I don't care."

I went back inside and sat on the kitchen counter. The elders just got up getting ready to serve and eat breakfast. They saw me and smiled. The only people that actually care about me.

"This early?" One of the elder man asked. He's a chief and what I've heard, from a 5 star restaurant.

I nodded. I went to grabbed my notes and books and started to walk to the livivng room were my teacher will come in and teach todays lesson soon.

*Couple hours later*

"Alright and done!"

"Hmm you are very intelligent Lucy, well I won't see you until next year. You finished all your lessons and exams for December. Well Done! Take Care."

I leaded her out the door and waved goodbye. "I'm always careful!" She laughed and met with my uncle who just came home from whatever he did today.

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