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After Katniss FINALLY woke up, (it took like 3 days) we kind of formed a little pack. Rue, Katniss, Tris, Tobias, and I. I think the only person who liked me was Rue though. Tobias and Tris only stuck around because they were responsible for getting me home. Katniss didn't really like anybody so it made a lot of sense that she didn't like me.

None of us really talked, which was hard for me. I would start conversations and then nobody would talk. Was I just talking to myself? Yes.

After a hour of walking Katniss spoke up. "I have a plan," she said.

We all made a sort of circle while Katniss explained. We were going to burn some leaves to lure the careers towards the smoke. Then we would steal some supplies. Katniss and Tris would go to the cornucopia, while Tobias, Rue, and I made the fires.

We all split up to complete our separate jobs. As soon as I saw the Tris' smoke I lit my leaves. Then I ran like Hermes. I was trying to find Katniss when I heard an ear splitting boom.

My ears were ringing as I stumbled back the way I came. We had come up with a special whistle that the mocking jay birds would repeat. I whistled it and didn't hear anything.

I listened. It was quiet.

"Percy! Katniss!" came the shriek of Rue. I ran towards the sound and found Rue laying on the ground with katniss over her. She had a spear protruding from her stomach and a dead career laying near. I hid behind a bush only to hear a rustling.

Rue seemed to materialize next to me. I looked to her, then to the her in the middle of the field. The mist. She could manipulate the mist.

We stood up and ran. This really was just a lot of running. We had stopped to take a breath when Tris and Tobias ran into us.

"Percy! We need to leave! Like right now!" Tris yelled.

They ran towards us with a quarter sized shiny thing.

"Put your hand on!" Tobias yelled. I quickly reached my hand towards the device. Rue was standing there with an odd look on her face.

"Put your hand on Rue!" I shouted. She just put her hand on. No questions.

Tobias did something and then the weird pully melty feeling happened again.

After having my organs smushed me and Rue arrived back in the alley where I had first gotten in the time machine.

That was it it was over.


Game makers POV:

"Um, Seneca?"a game maker said.

"What Ferins?" Seneca answered.

"Three of the tributes have disappeared from the map."


Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now