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The cannon that started the games blew. I hopped off the metal pedestal I was standing on and started running. During the presidents stupid speech I had spotted a pack of knifes in the cornucopia.

Me and tris had agreed that she would get a pack and wait in a hiding spot. When I came near she would come to me. I took in my surroundings while I sprinted towards the knifes. We were in a huge field with a lake and the grassy area was surrounded. A forest on one side a tall meadow on the other.

When I reached the knives I saw clove. she was the girl from district 2, and she loved knives. I was about to grab the blades when she mauled me. we hit the ground with a thud and I scrambled to get up but she held me tight.

"Ready to die six?" she hissed.

"Clove stop!" came a male voice. "he could be useful!"

"Ughhhh but I was gonna kill him CATO!" she whined while getting up. a large boy with an axe approached her and she quickly killed him by twisting his neck. well this was a mess.

She turned back to me. "You're lucky six." she said.

"Call me four." I replied, getting a confused look from her. I pushed my self up and dusted the dirt from my jeans. kind of in a daze I walked to the other tough kids.

I heard screams around me but I wasn't thinking very hard about them. I never came for tris. but this could be good. I was close to the cornucopia and supplies for the time machine.

A cannon booming shook me from my trance.

"The bloodbath is over!" Cato from 2 cheered. the other careers gathered around him,me following.

Obviously he was the leader. the boy from 12 was there as well. odd.

"All right careers," Cato began,"for the rest of today we will be setting up camp. Techy people go dig up the land mines around the pedestals. we will use them to protect supplies. Strong people carry the supplies and stack them. I need two guards. the rest of you will go to the lake and collect water." he finished while looking over his group.

"Tonight we rest." he said, "tomorrow. We hunt."

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now