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Life would be great right now you know if there was not a random kid in our time machine and we were going home. But we do have this guy named Percy and we are going to I don't know.

So three teens in a time machine headed for who knows when. The ride was going smoothly until the sparks started coming out of the refilbator. Then BOOM! The entire thing exploded and we flew.

When the dust cleared I saw Tris getting up but the kid was gone. Great now I exploded a kid.

Then I saw two men in armor jogging towards us. I reached for my gun but it was gone. This day was going great!

One grabbed me and the other grabbed tris and he yelled "you kids should be at the reaping!"

The marched us to the town plaza and to a sign in table. They pricked our fingers and printed them on a book. a very exotically dressed lady stepped up to the stage and gave a long speech about the "hunger games". That sounded good I really wanted food then.

She drew two names out of the bowls and 2 scrawny kids walked up. I really was hungry so I yelled "I want to go!!!"

And so did tris. The kids ran off the stage and we walked up.

Percy in the Divergent gamesWhere stories live. Discover now