Have mercy!

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Anne and Nico trotted along a dirt path the rain was pouring and Anne was soaked through.
"So Nico do you live in Provence town?" Asked Anne
"Yeah though I do wish to travel more, being in the same place is awfully dull" Nico shouted over the rain
"Agreed, I hate staying in one place I love to explore and run free!" Anne said gazing into the wilderness ahead
"So Anne is it Avonlea you'd like me to drop you"
"Yeah, please if you don't mind" Anne smiled and tucked her hair behind her ears.
As her thoughts drifted she started to think about Gilbert, her crush the boy with rosey checks and hair as black as coal, would he think she liked this Nico boy. No, no, no that couldn't be they'd only just met and who is Gilbert to think she had feelings for every boy she laid eyes on. Anne sighed and rested her chin in her hands.
The ride home was a long one. She and Nico chatted and shared stories but finally they arrived at green gables.
"Well it was lovely meeting you anne but I better be off" Nico chirped
"No no you should stay the night, you've driven all this way it's the least I can do"Anne spluttered
"Well if your sure"
"One hundred percent!" Anne grinned, and hopped out of the cart
"Don't worry jerry will take care of the cart come right on in",
"thankyou" Nico blushed, the pair rushed in and awaiting them was a worried looking Gilbert Blythe.
"Anne thank goodness your safe Marila and Mathew are searching the town! Wait who's that?" Gilbert spluttered
"This is Nico he's staying the night he gave me a ride home he's very noble!" Anne answered
Gilbert's smile dimmed as he looked at the starry eyed boy. Nico tipped his hat Gilbert ignored the gesture and grabbed Anne's hand bringing her close to him, Anne snatched her hand back and gave Gilbert an aggressive stare.
"Nico the spear rooms up the stairs and too the left I'll be up in a minute!" Anne said while trying to stop herself slapping Gilbert.
"Thanks" Nico smiled
Once Nico was upstairs Anne turned her face to lock eyes with Gilbert
"Gilbert Blythe, you arrogant pig" Anne snared
"What do you mean I spent hours looking for you, worrying!" Gilbert replied
"That's all well but you have no right to touch me, did I ask you too?"
"No" Gilbert mumbled
"Did I in someway insinuate that I wanted to be touched" Anne stuck her chin in the air
"Then why did you touch me?" Anne snapped
"I'm sorry I just I felt anxious, nervous you come in with him looking all happy and I don't know I felt protective" Gilbert swallowed hard
"Of me???! Im not an object! I'm a human being with rights and I am not yours to protect!" Anne said flustered
"I know I just... I just"
"You just what?"
"I just really like you Anne and it doesn't seem to me like you give a toss about how I feel" Gilbert sniffled
"Oh I didn't know you felt that way" Anne said slightly embarrassed
"i think you have this strange idea everything's about you!"
Anne's eyes began to fill up with tears
"You'd better leave now" Anne spluttered
"What?? Anne I'm...I'm"
"Your what Gilbert? I'll talk to you tomorrow but right now I'd better see to my guest"
"Anne.. wait I'm sorry"
"Goodbye Gilbert"
Anne shoved Gilbert out the door and fell to her knees tears streaming from her eyes
"Anne are you ok?? Anne!" Nico shouted from upstairs. He ran down the stairs to see if Anne was ok to find her on her knees crying.
"Anne are you ok?" Nico asked
"Yes I'm fine it's just... it doesn't matter"
Nico gazed into Anne's eyes and brushed her hair behind her ears he pulled her face to his and gently kissed her lips.
Anne jumped back in shock "Nico I... I can't I love someone else I'm sorry"
Nico looked puzzled and lent forward to kiss her once again
"Nico stop!"
Anne stood up and turned round to see a sorrowful Gilbert looking through the window his face pale the second she saw him he turned around and ran into the distance he had never felt Pain like this and he hoped to never again.

Anne girl- an AWAE fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now