As cold as ice, as white as snow

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Gilbert was strolling home after his extra class with Mrs Stacy he had been studying advanced numeracy which he needed in order to get qualified to be a doctor anyway, he was walking when he came across a pale redheaded figure who looked as cold as ice and as white as snow
"Anne?!" he said,
"ANNE!!" he shrieked, so loud that the birds flew from there nests and the deer galloped through the forest, Gilbert felt her pulse, still beating. He touched her blue lips and her ghostly white
cheeks ice cold, quickly Gilbert took of his coat and wrapped it around her frail body he held her tight and began to run she wasn't heavy but even if she was Gilbert wouldn't have ran any slower, he ran past the white way of delight and the lake of shining waters he ran past meadows and fields in which Anne had played until he reached green gables Gilbert knocked on the door... no answer, he tried answer, he spotted a note on the door,

Dear Anne
Mathew and I have gone on a last minute trip to Charelotte town to get supplies for the winter, the keys are under the mat and your suppers in the pantry, we will return tomorrow mid day
Love, Marila.

Why today, why did they have to go today! Gilbert opened the door with Anne still in his arms, he sped upstairs and into Anne's room and wrapped Anne in her duvet. He propped her up and took a look at her head mild bruising. He rushed down stairs and outside and to the well, he pumped cold water from it grabbed a rag and ran back upstairs he dipped the rag into the icy water and held it against Anne's head to stop the swelling. Gilbert noticed bruising on her neck so he held the wet rag to stop any swelling there as well. 

He had considered going to get help but he didn't want to leave Anne alone in case she woke up confused and disoriented.
Gilbert lay her down on her bed he couldn't stop thinking about what would of happened if he hadn't found her would she freeze to death?, would someone else find her he didn't know all that mattered was she was safe now.

hi, sorry for any punctuation or spelling errors :D

Anne girl- an AWAE fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now