Anne in wonderland

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Anne felt butterfly's in her stomach actually let me rephrase that Anne felt wasps in her stomach wasps stinging her insides and scuttling up her bones.
It had been about half an hour since Anne had realised she was on the wrong train she would have asked the conductor to stop but then she would've been chucked of the train and that was not what she wanted!
Anne sat and waited to reach her destination finally the train stopped and she jumped out onto the tracks and quickly ran across and out of the station Anne wasn't exactly sure where she was she knew they were in prevnonce town but where exactly was that.
Anne threw her hands in the air in frustration and sat on a bench. What to do, What to do!
Anne started to worry the next train to Avonlea was tomorrow TOMORROW!!, would Marila and Mathew freak out?
Anne sat pondering her fait for a while she was beginning to get cold she started to shiver her hands were shaking.
Anne stood up and broke into a full on run she ran as fast as she possibly could she could feel the wind rushing through her hair.
"Mrs.. Mrs!" Called a young man
"You dropped your hat"
Anne looked behind her to see a handsome young man with wild brown hair and starry violet eyes.
"Why thank you kind sir I'll be on my way now" Anne snatched the hat and chuckled then began to walk away
"No, No wait you look cold do let me give you a ride home my horse is just by the church" The boy pleaded
"Well your right I am cold and if it's no hassle I would gladly accept a ride home thankyou very much" Anne nodded
The boy grinned and offered his arm Anne reluctantly took it and tried her best not to scowl.
"So...what's your name?" Anne questioned
"I'm Nico, Nico mercy, and what about you?"
"I'm Anne, Anne Shirley Cuthbert"
"Well it's lovely to meet you Anne" he grinned
"No Nico the pleasures all mine" Anne blushed
Hi guys it's been a while SORRY! But I'm back with lots of new ideas we reached 1k yay!!! I'm so excited that the family has grown Thank you all for reading I'll be back with more soon!! 😁😁💕👍

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