Gilbert blythe what in lords name are you doing in my room?

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Anne woke up with Jack Frost nipping her toes her mouth felt dry and her bones  felt weak she rolled on to her side and...
"Gilbert?" She stammered
Gilbert was fast asleep beside her on her bed. His head was resting against her pillow. Anne sat up and shook him awake
"Gilbert what in the lords name are you doing in my bed, get out!" Anne yelled
Gilbert yawned and stood up taking in his surroundings.
"Well anne.. you see.. I must have fell asleep next to you once I brought you home yesterday" said Gilbert
"What do you mean brought me home yesterday I have no memory of this what so ever" Anne said while staring at Gilbert in awe
"Oh yes you wouldn't have any memory of yesterday's incidents because you were unconscious ermmm... in the woods when I found you" said Gilbert
Anne's eyes widened she felt light headed and queasy she had so many questions. Where were Mathew and Marila?, why was she unconscious in the woods?
"Yes Anne"
"tell me everything that happened exactly as it happened"
Gil nodded
By the time he was finished explaining everything thing to Anne it was around 12 o'clock they had missed the start school but they were sure mrs Stacy would understand considering the circumstances.
Anne and Gilbert sat at the kitchen table
"Thank you for saving me" Mumbled anne
"What was that?" Gilbert teased
"Forget it Blythe" Anne snapped
"You're welcome" Gilbert said
Anne scowled
They heard the door open and Mathew and Marila walked in
"Anne, Gilbert aren't you supposed to be in school and Anyway what are you doing here Gilbert?" Said a surprised Marila
"It's a long story" the kids said in union
"Well it's a long story we'd like to here!" Marila replied
Once they had finished explaining Marila pulled them both into a awkward hug
"Thank you for saving our girls life  Gilbert we will never forget it" Said Marila in a thanking tone
"the pleasures all mine mrs cuthbert" Gilbert replied
Marila and Mathew thanked Gilbert once more and then they wished him a safe journey home just before he left Anne stopped him.
"Gilbert, just so you know i am in no way helpless, yesterdays events were just weel, unfortunate, what i mean to say is thankyou" Anne rambled
"Duly noted"
Before Gilbert could say anything Anne pulled him in to a tight hug.
"Oh and if you mention this hug to any one Blythe, and I mean anyone you're dead understood?" Anne warned him
"Understood Anne girl, understood"

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