Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The yacht began sailing, and I was the most unhappy person when that happened. Everyone around me cheered and screamed, laughing in excitement that the celebration would begin soon. Sasha's harsh statement lingered in my brain, rattling a wave anxiety in me that wasn't there prior.

"What did you think? That I'd see that photo of you with him at the club and think that's romantic? You're the help. You may not have a name-tag. But you're just the same as these waiters. Don't forget your place. You're not irreplaceable." She had said so firmly. "If you need any help recalling that, then I won't have any problem telling higher-ups about this inappropriate...ordeal."

Ordeal. I was officially an ordeal.

Not a person – but a problem, a terrible problem. A terrible problem that was in desperate need of solving.

This problem, though, despite being on the 'clock,' decided it would be best to get a caught up on the food and drinks. One sip of the champagne, and my mouth went drier than the Sahara Desert. A single bite of the crackers, and I accidentally bit my tongue.

Nothing was working for me.

Sebastian, however, was living it up.

His eyes seldom met mine at the party. He was taken over by greeting guests, getting compliments from the small collection of the press that was there, and joking around.

Connie was not far from his side. When she tried kissing him, he moved back a step. The cameras didn't miss that. She didn't give them a good story though, flashing a smile regardless of how standoffish Sebastian started getting.

"You look awfully bored," chimed someone next to me. It was one of the reports, snacking on one of the plates next to me at the food table. "You're Sebastian's assistant, right?"

I nodded, not wanting to get something on or off the record. I wasn't sure how that worked – but I didn't want to get into any trouble for saying something I wasn't supposed to.

For a lot of what the reporter asked, I gave nonverbal responses.

"How do you feel about the double-engagement party?"

I went still.


Nothing. I gave him nothing.

He eventually got tired of that and went back to Sebastian and Connie.

Sebastian and Connie.

Thinking of their names together, even for a slight second, made my stomach turn and bubble. I wanted to vomit.

A small touch to the back of my spine reminded me quickly of where I was, and that I couldn't simply duck my head to the side of the boat and let out a belch. Sebastian was standing there, touching me with a gentle gaze deep in his eyes. There was a softness there, only for me, that seemed to shine even brighter when he started to smile.

"You don't look very happy."

"I'm fine."

There was no point in ruining the day for the both of us.

"You're not fine."

"Can you not bother me about my own emotions?"

"You want me to bother you about something else?" he smirked. "Who do I need to beat up?"

Your sister.

"No one. It's nothing."

"Do you want to talk alone? We didn't get a chance to speak earlier because of my dad. I know of a room on this boat that we can talk in if that works."

I slightly nodded my head and agreed to follow him, knowing that the gnawing feeling inside of me would only become a tangled-up mess without any attention. When we went down a set of stairs, aware from people's sight, he took my hand in his and led me further down the path to the room.

"You look amazing," he said when he closed the door. "I forgot to say that. When my nephew was in the car, I was too caught up in keeping him quiet that—"

"I actually prefer that kid over your sister."

At first, I didn't want to say that. But when the words slipped out of my mouth, there was no going back. The secret was out. I started telling Sebastian what Sasha said to me after I saw Connie. Even more than that, I asked the one thing that was giving me the stomach pains.

"Are you getting married?"

"I...I'm not."

"That doesn't sound very confident."

"I know for a fact that I didn't propose to her."

Did you look at the proposal my assistant sent you? Was what his father had brought up. Was this a plan created by his father? That seemed impossible. Too simple to be true. When I suggested that idea to him, Sebastian wasn't as thrown off by it as I wanted him to be.

"You know, it wouldn't be the first time my father proposed marriage as a business strategy."

"A business strategy?"

"You wouldn't get it, Maddie. Marriage isn't just about love when it comes to people like my father. It's still about a transaction of power, or rather a union of two powers."

"You sound like your royals – but you're not. Maybe hold off on the power talk. It's not funny."

"It's not a joke," he insisted, taking my hands into his. "I'm sorry if she said—"

"She did, she did say it. It's not a matter of if."

He sighed. "I apologize. I'll say it differently."

"Thank you."

"I'm sorry she say those things to you. She has no right to jump into my life and make choices like that. It's up to me to make those kinds of decisions, and I know now that I need to have a serious conversation with her."

"How soon would that be?"

"As soon as this party is over," he promised. Sebastian inched in, but I leaned back. "Really?"

"I'm still upset."

"That's fair." He pressed his forehead into my arm in the most awkward way, making himself look stupidly funny. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

Licking my lips, I held back the urge to grin mischievously.

"I have a few ideas."

"Oh yeah? Like?"

"You'd have to lock that door first."


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next chapter will be mature - so skip if you don't like that after the ***


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