Chapter Twenty-Six

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My heart was pounding in my ears. The joy I had surrounding this event had evaporated. All the happiness was lapped up by Sasha's words.

How come he didn't tell me? Why would he make it seem like I was invited for other reasons? Was I so gullible to believe one night out would mean things had changed?

I needed answers. I deserved them.

I pointed my finger at Sebastian. There was already a growing grin forming on his silly face.

My impulse to snap at him failed to fruition into visible rage in the presence of so many guests. The attitude would have to wait for a more private setting. Clearing my throat of any built up bile, I started to ask him the reason why I was invited.

"I told you," he said, "You got invited by Sasha."

"She just told me that she wanted me here for help."

He batted his eyelashes in befuddlement. "She said that? There's no way."

"I didn't hear her wrong."

"Sebastian!" Someone from behind him called out, holding on to his shoulders. My mouth curled into itself as I recognized the towering figure before me. It was Sebastian's father and the CEO of Lockhart Inc, Howard E. Lockhart. For the amount of time I'd been working for his company, I'd seen the ungodly huge portraits of him more often than the real deal.

"I've been looking for you," Mr. Lockhart said in a husky voice. "Were you able to look over the proposal my assistant emailed you?"

"Dad, I don't want to talk about business now."

"You can't have that kind of mentality. Work never sleeps."

"But thankfully, I do." Sebastian joked and flashed a smile to me. "Hey Maddison, did you need something else?"

He gestured at his father, clearly showing interest in what his dad had to say next.

"I don't have anything else to tell you."

This wasn't the time to confront him any more. Not with his dad here.

As hurt as I was, I knew this wasn't the right time or place.

"I need to take this call," I lied, and held out my phone, rushing out the door that led back to the hotel lobby.

Stars framed my watery vision, feeling a sense of numbness in my legs with each step I took. I held my hand to my chest and went into an attached hallway, going into what looked like a bar area for hotel visitors. It was vacant at this hour, and only had a singular employee behind the bar cleaning glasses while listening to music with his earphones.

A loud screech echoed into the lobby.

A black SUV stopped out front. In minutes, the place was swarmed with men in black suits, wearing clear ear pieces and talking into them.

"Someone important must be coming," said the janitor worker, popping one of his earbuds out. "Oh, wow. Is that Connie?"

He was right.

The international pop star, Connie Irving, who just went by Connie for her new era, was standing in between the masses of security guards.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sasha Lockhart rush to the area where Connie was waiting, opening the secondary doors to the docks. "You made it!" Sasha cried in delight. "He's going to be so happy to see you."

"You say that, but I want to see it for myself," Connie joked. "You know how Sebby Baby can be."

Ew, Sebby Baby?

Connie had a perfect body. One that only a person trainer could shape and mold you into. Her outfit showed off her flat midriff and stunning legs that went on forever. She was sun kissed, looking as though she recently got off a plane from an island. 

Please don't notice me.

Please don't acknowledge me.

I wanted to be as dismissed as the door man they just walked passed.

Instead, Sasha stopped in front of me with a smile. "Oh, you should meet Sebastian's new assistant. She's a little angel. She's going to be helping with any of the things I need for this party. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to look for her and ask."

Connie lowered her glasses, chewing green gum loudly. "That's so sweet. Should I give her my engagement gift?"

"She wouldn't mind."

"That's great."

I hated how they were talking about me as if I wasn't there.

Taking the gift from one of the bodyguards, I slumped against the wall.

I couldn't stop myself.

"Sasha," I asked out of nowhere. "Can I ask you something privately?"

"Yes, sure," she said, moving slowly away from the idol. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not aware of who told you this...but I didn't agree to be your helper. I'm happy to help. I didn't even know Connie was going to be here—"

"Of course, she'd be here. She's going to be my sister-in-law soon enough."


a/n: short chapter, but I'm updating again soon.

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