Chapter Nineteen

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When I originally got the idea to drag Akin on to the dance floor for my own selfish reasons, I could've never predicted the end of this night. Nowhere in my imagination would I have ever even conjured up the idea of Sebastian and I, slowly driving through a swarm of paparazzi, taking photos of us, and shouting about our possible unborn baby.

I hadn't missed my period, but maybe the second lunch I had today made them think I was carrying a child in my stomach instead of a double stuffed burrito.

Flatting my hand over my tummy, I thought to myself what else they knew that I clearly didn't. This baby certainly news to me.

Maybe I made a sex tape and just hadn't gotten the memo yet that it has been leaked? With these people, it was likely that was already a new story they could start spreading.

"How do you deal with this on a daily basis?" I grumbled. I had experienced this chaos around Sebastian only a handful of times, but they never paid attention to me. They directed their cameras to him. I was invisible to them. But now, I had caught their eye and that was all Sebastian's fault.

I covered my face the best I could, but there was no use. Sebastian had given them a perfect view with his lips at the top of my head. We'd be on nearly every gossip sites by morning, circulating on to the Celebrity news shows by the late afternoon, spreading a false story to go with the photos. I wouldn't be surprised if they said I tried to fight one of the photographers with an umbrella.

If Sebastian wasn't here, I probably would've.

I couldn't really even call them photographers though. There was an art to photography, but there was nothing artistic about the things they took pictures of. Their work wasn't meant to enlighten a generation; it was only meant to humiliate people and profit off their misfortunes.

"They aren't that bad tonight. You should see it when there's more than thirty of them." Sebastian curled the corner of his lip to form a crooked smile, but it quickly fell when he looked out his rearview window.

"What is it?" I asked and glanced back, checking out what it was that caught his attention. There were two large SUVs trailing behind us, but I didn't see why that would cause a frown to grace his features.

Sebastian remained silent, turning on to a different street, and then another. I caught on to what was happening when he turned two more times. He was trying to lose them. The cars were making the same turns, yet they never got close enough. They kept their distance.

"Who's that?" I questioned, still with my first question hanging in the air. His frown wasn't the only thing I took note of. I watched as his knuckles whitened because of how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. "You know them."

This time, it wasn't a question. The way the muscles around his shoulders tightened and the mannerism in the way he was driving, swerving into random streets and alleyways, told me that he wanted to get these people off of his trail.

I wasn't one hundred percent certain if the stiffness in his body or his creased forehead was the tell-tail sign that he knew them, but something radiated off of him that echoed the truth to me when he wouldn't say a word.

I trusted Sebastian enough that he wouldn't do anything too reckless, despite the fact that his erratic driving spiked my anxiety levels to a new high.

He did a sharp U-turn and then sped down a vacant backstreet, leaving the two SUVs in the dust. My hand shot up to the ceiling of the car, hovering over the handle but not quite holding on to it yet. This was probably the perfect time to start planning out how I would make my resignation letter.

That is if I survive this mess first.

Air hitched in my throat when the speed accelerated. Suddenly, it changed from planning out my resignation letter into planning out Sebastian's murder. Unless he did kill the both of us in the process of getting us away from these two stalkers.

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