Chapter Fourteen

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That next Wednesday, Layla was getting ready for a night out on the town with her new man while I was stuck with the unpleasant task of packing for a week long trip to New York City. If that wasn't bad enough, the thought of being trapped in a plane with Sebastian for endless amount of hours sounded more like a punishment more than anything else. Then again, he had strayed away from the harsh comments, so I was hoping that I'd get lucky and see him on some good behavior.

I had told Layla, Wesley, and Akin that I would be leaving first thing in the morning. Layla and Wesley didn't appear to be angry at my sudden change of plans. But Akin, on the other hand, was visibly peeved. He typically came over to watch a TV show called Blindsided with us on Wednesdays, but this week he broke our tradition, saying how he had been held up with "a work related" thing. Which was very similar to what I had told everyone else on why I couldn't make it this Friday.

"He'll get over it soon," was what Layla said to me after Akin had thrown that reasoning in my face. "You know him, he's always dramatic about the smallest of things. He'll come around."

I could only hope that he would. Sure, I wasn't being the most reliable friend right now, but it wasn't like I could do anything about it. I tried. That was what should mattered at the end of the day.

I couldn't stand complex people who preferred being fake rather than being honest. Truthfulness was easy.

It took a lot for me to hold a grudge, and for what I'd done, his anger felt misdirected. I wish he was more open with me. In retrospect, that would be my downfall. Expecting too much from people who didn't put any effort at all.

Sighing a long breath, I zipped up my suitcase and pushed it next to my door. I curled into bed with my mind racing at high speed. It wasn't until half past midnight when my brain finally called it quits and allowed me to nod off to sleep. I hadn't realized that Layla hadn't come home last night until I was already fully dressed and getting myself some breakfast before my flight.

At least one of us got to end up with the guy we were crushing on. Wesley and I had texted casually for a while now, but not enough to even say we were on the same level Nigel and Layla were on.

A honking noise from outside the apartment turned me away from my morning news. I walked over to the window in the kitchen that overlooked the parking lot and spotted a shiny black Mercedes. Right when I noticed the car, my work phone began ringing.

Digging into my purse, I pulled it out and answered the call. "I'm guessing that was your driver honking at me."

"He's simply following instructions," Sebastian mused. "Are you ready yet?"

"I'll be down in a sec."

"Alright. I'll send him up to help you with your luggage."

"I don't need help," I said sternly. "I'll be f-"

The call went dead. A low humming sound rang from the other end, indicating that he had hung up on me midsentence. My slim hope that he'd be on good behavior was clearly wasted on. I needed to teach him how to end a call the properly way and not like a pompous jerk.

Just like he had said he would do, his driver came knocking on my door. I rolled my suitcase out the front door, but that was all the driver would let me take it. He lifted it up with one arm and hailed it down the stairs. Spinning around to my apartment, I locked the door with my keys and headed down the stairs after him.

"I've printed out our plane tickets," I told Sebastian once I was in the vehicle and clicked into my seat. I searched through my purse and handed him over the print outs I had made last night.

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