Chapter five

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The maid was stumped.

The hard floor caused her legs to feel numb as she sat bowed by the princess's bed side.

"Princess, If you refuse to come, I will have to notify your father."

Once again silence met her. The frail, thin princess was completely wrapped in her pink covers and lovingly nodding her head against the feather pillows.

Her perfect features painting a picture of complete serenity as she slept. The maid was sure many men would pay with their lives to see such a scene.

"Fine, I will withdraw. Please do not blame this lowly servant when you get reprimanded by the sect leader ok?!" The maid huffed, and got up from her knees. Her legs were still shaken from lack of blood circulation.

Step by step she made her way toward the door while looking back behind her. She really didn't want to bother the sect leader with this issue... on top of that, if she failed her first task; wouldn't the head maid just kill her?

Her steps stopped in front of the large golden plated doors of the princess's room. The craving's of a large sun caused sweat to drop off her forehead, even though it was just a sketch! This situation...

"I'm awake."

The maid swung around, tears at the corner of her eyes at the princess's voice. Yes it was the voice of an absolute demon, but right now the light female voice could not be more holier in her ears.

The Maid's heart jumped in her chest.

"Perfect princess! I will grab your day gowns and dress you! I will be right back!" 

"No, wait one moment. What is you name?"

"This servants name is Jin."

"Lovely to meet you Jin. The mirror over there... could you hand it to me?" Carla hand rolled over, her two large grey almond eyes looked at the mirror with a look of hesitation and curiosity. It was time for her to confirm something.

Thankfully, the girl in her room didn't put up as much of a fight to grab the mirror as she did to leave the room.

In fast steps the jewel embossed mirror, was safely in Carla's hands. Mirror still turnt over, Carla took deep breaths. She felt like laughing, it was finally at this point that she did feel fear.

With a gulp, she turned the mirror.

The dim light in the room reflected off of its surface and bounced onto her face. The woman staring back at her blinked, her face looked like a child watching the stars for the first time. Basically absolutely lost and still too dumb to make sense of the massive universe around them.

Carefully, she lifted one hand and pointed at the perfect shaped button nose in the mirror. The nose pressed in and then bounced back in the same motion as she moved. The girl's grey almond eyes stared back with a empty glare.

It had finally happened, she had confirmed it. She had lost her mind.

Seeing the princess silently watching herself, Jin awkwardly held a gorgeous gold and white robe in her arms.

She was new to the sect's servants. A group made of those whose parents were
alumni of the sect, but for some reason or another, they were born without magic.

Thankfully enough, magic wasn't tested until they were 16 years of age, and while there are signs of someone born without magic, it can't be confirmed until they take the magic placement test. She, of course, placed F rank, which demoted her to commoner status and now inside the princess's bedroom.

This also meant that she didn't have the previous bias of the other maids. Seeing the princess's lost expression, she felt pity.

Perhaps she was blaming herself for the death of her friends.

"Are you alright Princess Axton?" She asked softly, however instantly fear filled every inch of her bones as the girl's ethereal eyes cast a death gaze on her.

"Please stop referring to me with that name? That character is simply..."

This time it was Carla's time to freeze.

The mirror once again came into sight. Grey eyes with a mischievous slant... a small red half moon in the middle of her forehead... sickly pale skin from never going outside... room filled with riches... the daughter of a sect leader...

"I-" Jin stood awkwardly, the princess hated her own name?

Her grasp on the mirror tightened and with a crack, it broke into two. This should be impossible, surely?

More to herself than the maid she spoke.

"What? Do you want to tell me that my inkling is correct and I've somehow teleported into a novel called Defying Moonlight and taken the place of the short lived villain character, Carla Axton, who tortures my favorite character, Will Vadikin, and eventually dies a gruesome death at his hands?"

Carla covered her face again when she saw the look of complete confusion on the girl's face.

She felt like that line of questioning wasn't going anywhere, and she would be correct as the maid really couldn't understand anything she just said.

Her head was tilted as she stared at the princess.

Was the princess speaking another language?

"Answer me another question, how many men in this 'sect' have red eyes and pitch black hair?"

Jin perked up at the easy question, "One the captive prince from the ex Carved Mirror sect! I've heard rumors that his red eyes come from the devil himself!"

Carla felt the world go black.


If she accepts the possibility that she did enter a book, would it be so bad if she could see the man she idolized.

But at the same time... the recollection of his broken body falling to the ground entered her mind. Fuck.

Where did the silver light even come from? She wasn't really trying to continue this life of hers!

Throwing off her covers Carla threw her feet over the bed side.

"The man who attacked me in the cave where is he?"

"In the dungeons, he is set to be executed in three days for endangering the Royal sect's bloodline and engaging in dark magic!" The maid chirped up again.

Set to be executed? This wasn't apart of the plot... did she mess something up that night?

Carla got to her feet, her body felt abnormal, especially when she knew that the exterior wasn't her own, but she quickly stabilized herself.

What to do?

Honestly, she wouldn't be surprised if she had lost her mind, but it felt real... in fact, for some reason from the moment she woke up inside of the cave, she felt more connected to the world than she ever had before.

She had a feeling. She didn't know what happened, but this was real.

Also, she probably needed to save someone.

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