Chapter thirty-five

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Eyes widening with amazement, respect grew in Meng's heart for Rong You.

Even though he might have psychosis tendencies, he was still at least an honest person. That alone was worth millions in her mind. She didn't trust him completely as she had been harmed plenty of times before however, she was willing to relax her guard for a moment. If he really was able to help Feng Qi, then the risk was definitely worth it.

"I've committed a sin toward a child and it altered them in unspeakable ways. How do I change them back?" She spoke in a grave manner while looking right into Rong You's eyes. Her cold face had started to turn red from shame as she thought more about the incident with Feng Qi.

Something ethereal had been brought down to earth from her own manipulations, that thought alone terrified her. If Feng Qi was no longer the Feng Qi from the book where would that put her? 

Her thoughts traveled back to life before reading 'Defying Moonlight' making her heart turn cold.

The feeling of complete emptiness that made even the brightest day, dark for her invaded her mind. Remembering that horrible empty abyss, her eyes lit up with absolute resolution. No matter what she would not feel that way again, she will fix Feng Qi and at the same time fix herself.

Rong You's lips twitched at her description of what she did to the child. He secretly sighed in relief that the child was imaginary, or he would definitely think she killed someone!

"Hmm..." he mumbled in a slow drawn out manner. He looked deep into the distance as if seeing an immeasurable amount of things that were accessible to his eyes.

Unlike his calm display on the outside, inside he was jumping from joy. So, it turned out her question was this easy? He had plenty of friends that worked in cultivation schools and had to deal with troubled children, therefore he knew a lot of ways to make them better.

This included hanging them upside down by their feet, starving them, and other methods of torture. Undeniably torture was the easiest way to make someone change their ways, however Rong You would never use it on his own disciples. After all, even though it changed them, it also made their spirit weak and less likely to be able to travel far in cultivation.

'As this person wasn't real it won't matter much if I give her this advice.' In fact, the more he thought about it the more perfect sense it made. Imaginary friends were a hindrance to any child and purging it now would be for the best.

"The best thing this old master can suggest is that you will have to personally take responsibility for your actions." He let out a soft sigh as he looked at her remorsefully. "You will have to torture this person in order to help them. "  

Her forehead creased. Would she really have to use torture in order fix Feng Qi? Meng felt unsettled as she pondered over what Rong You said.

In her past life she did hear about teachers disciplining students using beatings... could she really do that to Feng Qi? When she thought about it, she realized that she absolutely couldn't.  At the slightest thought of causing Feng Qi harm a piercing pain that she had never experienced before entered her heart.

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