Chapter fifty-two

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How could she not know what Su Lou's was thinking? It was far too simplistic when it came to soul contracts. If Su Lou still had devious thoughts toward her after eleven years, she could easily just kill her off using the soul slave contract.

Soul slave contracts are hard to break and extremely dangerous to disobey.

Once one became a slave they would have to give up their soul to the person creating the contract. Their soul wouldn't leave their body, however the contractor will have a direct link to it. One thought could torture the slave to the point of insanity or even kill them.

Soul slave contacts were known as a forbidden art in this world because of its control over people. It isn't surprising that Su Lou wouldn't completely understand it. As a good person she will make sure to educate her on it after it's done.

"Mmm. Let's form the contract then."

Meng gave Su Lou a happy smile as she held out her hand. When Su Lou took it, Meng closed her eyes.

"Focus on your soul space. When you are in contact with it circulate your energy toward the hand holding mine." The clear instructions entered Su Lou's ears.

Meng didn't have experience on soul slave contracts, but saw it happen a lot in the book. Thankfully, it was a simple process if the person had weaker cultivation than your own.

In Meng's soul space, she finally caught sight of Su Lou's soul. The glowing white ball of energy floated into Meng's hand before taking the form of Su Lou. The energy burned her hand as if trying to reject her.

Watching this, Meng couldn't help murmuring to herself. "Fascinating."

The longer she stayed in this world the more connected to it she felt. It was undeniable that she didn't have a connection with her own world and every time she left her apartment it became clearer to her to the point that she was scared of the truth and stayed inside of it.

Yet now, maybe because of Feng Qi or maybe because it was magic, she was finally interested.

Tactically, Meng wrapped her spiritual energy around the rebelling soul. Su Lou's soul burned brighter in an attempt to break free. The light from the two souls fighting was blinding.

Meng was surprised. Su Lou was only a level two martial cultivator, but her spirit was this difficult to subdue? No wonder this is a forbidden art. If Meng was even a level weaker, the process could have killed both of them.

The light started to die down as Su Lou soul's energy started to run out. Meng unwrapped her soul around it to prevent it from fading completely.

It was completed. She could feel the contract with Su Lou's soul giving it an almost tangible feeling.

Unlocking their hands, Meng guided Su Lou's left over spiritual energy into her hand. She opened her eyes and leaned forward, pressing her finger against Su Lou's forehead. The energy left her hand and entered back into Su Lou.

"You can open your eyes now." Meng ripped up the slave contact in her hands. "You are now my personal guard if anyone gives you trouble you are free to come to me."

Su Lou had use to her as of now, there was no reason to treat her badly.

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