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"Alright!" Tallboy shouted, "Let's do this!" His words provoking a wave of cheers.

Kai stood over by Jughead, who was leaning on the car that he would be racing with. He walked over and talked with Betty for a moment before Tallboy shouted, "Let's do it!"

Before the beanie wearing boy could get in the car, Kai made her way over to the drivers seat, "Good luck Jug." She muttered doing an original handshake she made with Jughead a while back. He nodded and ducked into car, Archie sitting in the passenger seat.

Kai watched as the drivers of each car, drove to where the race would be starting. She knew everything was on the line, she knew something was going to happen.

Someone was going to fuck up in some way, shape, or form. Malachai and Jughead shook hands, "Race over Herk Harvey Bridge to Dead Man's curve, first one back here wins."

Kai looked up, "I usually do the honors." She heard Toni say to Cheryl.

"Not today, Cha-Cha." She looked the other girl up and down, "I was born for this moment."

The boys revved their engines, "Engines warm and ready, gentlemen?" Cheryl questioned, a smirk present on her lips.

The red head signaled the beginning of the race; the boys raced off. Along with most of the Ghoulies and Serpents, Kai cheered and clapped.

Something was off, someone ran into where everyone was standing and waiting to see who came back first.


"Everyone Scatter!" He shouted, "Cops are rounding up Ghoulies." Everyone panicked and got into their cars and driving off.

Kai watched as the car that Jughead was driving, pulled up and the two boys exited. "What the hell happened." Not really knowing, Jughead didn't answer.

"Come on, come on, we've gotta go, right now." He stated.

"You called the cops?" Tall Boy shouted angrily, "You won't throw in with the Ghoulies, but you will with the cops?" The older serpent got closer to Jughead, "Where's the respect in that?"

"Calm down, Tall Boy." Kai barked, intervening.

Jughead nodded at her gratefully before turning back to Tall Boy, "You think I knew Keller was going to be there?"

Archie grabbed onto Jughead's arm, "I called Keller."

Kai and Jughead turned to him, "Archiekins what the fuck." The brown haired girl hissed.

Jughead was furious as well, "What the hell Archie?" He spat, "Did my dad tell you this too?"

Archie tried to justify himself, "No, it was my idea to get rid of the Ghoulies, and it worked." He continued, "They get arrested for street racing, and now they're off the chessboard."

Kai pinched the bridge of her nose, "For how long? One month? Three months? You know what they're gonna want on the other side Archie."

Jughead pushed the boy, "Your head on a stake! All of ours!" He snapped, returning to the drivers seat of the car. Betty got into the passenger seat, riding with him.

Kai sped off to her bike, how could Archie be so stupid? She thought.

It was getting dark, she didn't want to go home right now and wasn't ready to completely drown herself in liquor, so she headed the Pops for a milkshake and fries.

When she walked in, it was almost empty except for the familiar faced of Veronica and Betty. With them being so caught up in conversation, Kai sat in the booth behind them without being noticed.

Betty's phone rang, "Oh my god, is that the Black Hood?"

Kai heard Veronica ask. The serpent stiffened as Betty picked up the phone, "It's Cheryl."

Kai listened closely after a few words were exchanged. The call must've ended because the blond set down the phone. "Betty." Veronica asked confused and nervous.

"Cheryl just told be the Sugar Man's name."

Kai stood, gaining the girls' attention. They didn't see her face and didn't think that she was anyone important.

They were shocked when she placed her hands on their table and stared at the right in the eyes. "Spill." She demanded.
Holy shit, 10K? Are you people insane?

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