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Kai's alarm went off, jolting her awake. She slapped her hand onto the snooze button, pushing the alarm clock off the small table in the process.

Staring up at the ceiling she groaned, "Might as well show up for attendance." Sitting up Kai peeled the covers off of her and grabbed the she would wear clothes today.

She walked into the small bathroom and turned the shower on, waiting for it to warm up.

Once it was at the perfect temperature, she stripped off her night clothes and stepped into the shower. She felt the warm water slide down her back as she washed her hair.

After her shower, Kai quickly dried herself off and immediately put the clothes she had picked out on. The outfit was a plain black crop top, ripped dark blue jeans, black high top converse, and of course her serpent jacket.

She grabbed a small bag that laid on the counter and quickly shoved her keys, switchblade knife, earbuds, and phone into it. She ran out the door and hopped onto her bike and quickly rode to school.

Kai arrived at a table with other Serpents gathered around. A couple of people greet her as she sat down but overall paid attention to Sweet Pea's laptop screen.

A red haired boy was ranging about the Red-Circle or something similar. As Jughead walked up to the table Sweet Pea glanced up from the screen and smirked "I'm guessing we're not watching funny cat videos." Jughead joked.

"Check this out." Sweet Pea chuckled, turning his laptop screen towards Jughead, "Some sick-in-the-head Northsider posted a crazy-ass video, and we were just talking-"

Sweet Pea was quickly cut off by Jughead, "About what?"

Annoyed Sweet Pea continued, "Fogarty wants to earn his Serpent stripes." He slapped a hand on Fangs shoulder as he shook the other boy slightly, turning towards Fangs "I say bring us the head of that Northsider, and you're in."

Fangs grinned "I'm down with that." He agreed.

"No, guys, don't." Jughead cut in, trying to interfere,"What, Jones?" Sweet Pea scoffed turning back to the aggravated teen. "I know this guy, he's a milquetoast. He's a football player. It's kind of a lame target, is all I'm saying."

He burst trying to change the table's mind, "You wanna prove something? Why don't you go after the Black Hood?"

Kai let out a laugh, "And why would we do that? The Black Hood's targeting Northsiders, who do nothing but blame the Southside for everything that's wrong with this town." She retorted.

"And we're sick of it. The Black Hood's doing our work for us. He's a hero." Sweet Pea added to her statement.


Kai walked through the hallways of the hell hole people called Southside High. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist making her stop. She turned quickly to see a smirking Sweet Pea. Kai groaned, "Is there something you need Sweets?" She asked shaking her wrist out of his grip.

"I just wanted you to know I'll pick you up at 8." He shrugged

Her eyes widened and heat rushed to her checks "Y-You were serious about that?", She questioned stumbling over her words.

He winked sending shivers down her spine, "See you later Kai." He chuckled before making his way towards the school exit as the dismissal bell rang.

She stood in the middle of the hallways wide eyed like an idiot. Someone tapped her shoulder, she turned to meet the eyes of Toni. "What just happened?" She asked studying her friends face of shock.

"I have a date with Sweet Pea." Kai breathed out watching as Toni squealed, "We need to get you ready!" She exclaimed dragging her out to the area where both of the girls had parked their bikes.

"What time is he picking you up?" She asked straddling her bike.

"8 o'clock." Kai replied getting onto her bike as well.

"We need to hurry and get to your trailer we only have like 4 hours to get you ready." She fretted, taking off towards Sunnyside Trailer Park with Kai trailing right behind her.


"Toni I'm not wearing a dress!"

"You have to seem somewhat good!"

"We're going to Pops, not a ball"

The two spent a good 30 minutes arguing about what Kai was going to wear to Pops. Both of the girls finally agreed on skinny jeans, a plain dark grey T-shirt, and a black hoodie that Kai would wrap around her waist.

Then of course Toni devoted the rest of the time they had to hair tugging and face torture. Finally, after close to 2 hours, Toni was done.

She smiled while admiring her work, "You look beautiful!" She exclaimed a triumph look on her face.
"I look almost exactly the same." Kai deadpanned.

Kai started played with her finger nervously after a few moments of silence. Toni looked at her friend confused, "Kai what's wrong?" She questioned sitting next to her on the bed.

Then Kai burst "What if he really doesn't like like me like that?"

Toni placed a comforting hand Kai's shoulder, "We both know even Sweets wouldn't have asked you our if he didn't like you." She chuckled.

Kai let out a shaky breath, "I guess you're right." She mumbled. Toni gave her friend a small smile. There was a knock at the door breaking the silence.

"That's him, have fun but not too much." She whispered into Kai's ear smirking before pushing you towards the door. As Toni disappeared from view, Kai unlocked the door revealing a giant black haired teen. "Hey Kai." He greeted giving her a quick hug.

Kai closed the door behind her as he lead her outside towards his bike. He then placed a helmet onto her head and straddled his bike leaving room for her, relatively small figure to get on.

She wrapped her arms around his torso, "Are you ready?" She heard him ask, she nodded as best as she could and then the two were off.


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