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"The fuck?"

The room was in chaos Kai was attacking her mother, and it was 3-1 on the other half of the room. Kai avoided using her left hand, ripping her right hand from her mom's hair, taking chunks of hair with it.

Darci finally got a chance to breakaway from the fight. Her makeup was smudged and her hair was a mess, "I'll see you in court, Finn has some papers to give you." She growled.

The boys dropped a bruised and bloodied Finn, he sluggishly pushed over the brief case that was thrown to the side. "The information is in there." He stated while trying to stand.

Daniel picked him up by the arm and threw him out the open door, "Fuck off." He hissed.

Kai wiped away a small stream of blood trickling down her chin, "That was exciting." She panted.

Fangs chuckled taking a seat on he old couch, "That's definitely one way to put in."

Kai took a seat next to him her head in her hands. It wasn't long before Sweet Pea joined them, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.

He rubbed the side of her arm, "So now what."

Kai's dad sighed, "We can't do anything until we go to court."

Kia stared at the dirtied cast on her arm, "When is this supposed to come off." Her dad pulled out his phone in the calendar, "Tomorrow." He stated, "Or today." He muttered looking at the time. The clock on his phone read 12:10.


Long story short the boys were sent home and Kai was sent off to get some rest before she went to get her cast taken off. She was woken up by someone shaking her, groggily she sat up making eye contact with her dad. "What time is it." She groaned.

"6:00am." Daniel replied, making his way out of Kai's room. He stopped in the door way and looked over his shoulder, "Get ready we leave in an hour."

She peeled the blanket off her body, shivering as her skin was exposed to the cold air. Kai grabbed a pair of clothes from her dresser and walked into her bathroom. She stripped herself from the clothes she had had wore the night before and changed into the new clothes she and picked out.

Kai got dressed in a short sleeved navy blue t-shirt, skinny jeans, and of course her black converse. She grunted as she tried to ease her arm through the small armhole of the shirt.

After successfully getting dressed she moved onto trying to tame her bedhead. She huffed before sitting in front of her body length mirror and got to work. After she had finished, she grabbed her serpent jacket and basically flew out of her trailer to her dad's truck.

"Eager much?" He chuckled buckling his seatbelt.

Rolling her eyes, Kai did the best she could with one hand, "Let's just go already!" She groaned.

The car ride was thankfully very short and they reached the hospital a few minutes before the appointment.

Daniel put the car and park before exiting the truck. Kai pushes the door open, hopping out and basically running to the hospital entrance, her dad hot on her heels. He opened the door quickly motioning for her to go in.

Kai was instantly hit with a wave of cold air and the smell of antiseptic as soon as she walked through the doors. She rubbed her good arm as goosebumps popped up on her skin.

Her dad places a hand on her shoulder, "I'll go talk to the receptionist, you go sit down." He smiled.

She nodded giving him a small smile in return. She headed the the uncomfortable chairs that were placed in the waiting room. Kai took this moment to process everything that has happened.

Her mother wanted custody of her, everything seemed scarily calm, and she had felt electricity when Sweet Pea pulled her into his side.

She shook her head, resting it in her hands a small blush dusting her cheeks. What was wrong with her? She hasn't ever felt this way about anybody before and she had to admit, she was both scared and confused. What was this feeling? Did she like him? Does he like her?

Kai's thoughts were interrupted by a doctor calling her name. She looked beside her noticing her father getting up. When did he sit down?

She though walking towards the doctor. The man smiled, "You are here to get that cast off correct?" He questioned checking a few things on his clipboard. "Yes, thankfully." Kai chuckled holding up the ugly green cast.

"Ok I'm Dr. Rivera and you will be in the room at the end of the hall." He directed. Daniel gave a quick thank you before leading Kai down the hallway. After a few moments a women with ginger hair and brown, walked in with a machine and a couple of tools.

She started setting a few things up, and set a couple tools down. She then turned to Kai and smiled, "Hi I'm going to be cutting off your cast, also you can just call me Gabby."

Kai set her arm up on a small little plastic table and smiled back, "It's finally time." She laughed.

Gabby chuckled slightly before bringing up this saw type thing. She then launched into an explanation, "This is very loud but it won't cut you. It has a dull blade that moves from side to side." She pause to catch her breath.

"It's the vibrations that break the cast apart, so there's nothing to hurt your skin. It might tickle a bit, though." Kai nodded more than ready to get the contraption off her arm. Gabby started up the saw and started up by the top of her cast and work her way down. Once she had finished both sides she began cutting parts of the pads underneath. Finally the thing was pulled off of Kai's arm.

Kai scrunched her nose in disgust at the slight smell and the dead skin all over her arm.

Gabby chuckled, "Don't worry that's natural." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and handed Daniel some papers, "Sign those and you will be able to leave, but first we'll have to do some X-rays." After handing Kai's father the papers she dug into her pocket pulling out a small piece of paper.

She handed it to Kai, "I would like to actually talk to you sometime, text me!" She smiled enthusiastically, before exiting the room.

A different person came in this time, it was a young blond guy. "I'll be taking your X-rays please come with me."

Time-skip (There is no way in hell I'm writing all of that)

The X-rays didn't take long, and by the time they were done Daniel finished the papers he needed to so they could leave.

Kai closed the door to the car and leaned back into the seat, sighing, "I need a shower.

Her dad hopped into the driver's seat, "The let's get you home then." He pulled out of the parking lot and drove back toward shore trailer park.

Kai stared out of the window smirking, "At least I can beat a bitch's ass now."


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