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Once the Gauntlet was over everyone seemed to go their own ways. A group headed back into the bar, a few headed down to Pop's, then there were the small groups of people who went home.

Toni and Jughead went together to one of their trailers, and then Sweet Pea and Fangs came to Kai's trailer. It was a normal thing for the three of them to do but it usually included Toni of course excluded Kai's dad.

Once on the front steps Kai turned to them, "Remember my dad is here so no hitting on me or else he'll be the one hitting you."

Fangs and Sweet Pea nodded slowly probably slightly nervous. Quickly, she unlocked the door and stepped inside, but stopped in her tracks.

Two people stood in the living room, one fuming and the other smirking. "What the hell!" Kai shouted angrily throwing her bag onto the sad excuse for a couch.

Daniel clenched his hands into fists trying to stop himself from lunging at the younger male in front of him . The other turned and smiled happily, "Hello Kai its been awhile."

She glared at him, "It has Finn." Finn was wearing an expensive suit and had a briefcase with him implying he was here on business, "Great." Kai groaned.

Sweet Pea took a step forward, towering over Finn, "Who are you?" He growled.

Finn sighed, "I see she hasn't mentioned me." He stuck his hand out again plastering on a huge grin, "I'm Finn, Kai's older brother."

Sweet Pea kept kept his hands stuffed in his pockets a small smirk on his face. Oh dear lord what is he going to say Kai though to herself, sighing. Out of no where the giant started to burst out laughing it wasn't long before Fangs joined in.

Finn cocked his head to the side annoyed, "What's so funny, serpent?"

Sweet Pea took a minute to catch his breath, "Did you really just call yourself Kai's brother?" Fangs draped his arms along Kai's shoulders, pulling them closer. Kai stumbled slightly as she was clung onto by Fangs, "Fangs here has been more of a brother to her than you have your entire life." Sweet Pea chuckled.

Finn scoffed, "Brother? I bet she's already fucked all of you so I wouldn't go calling him that." Kai smiled striding up to him putting a hand on his shoulder, "The there is nothing I hate more than Northsiders, snobby rich people, and lawyers. You, my dear brother, happen to fall in all three of those categories."

She gripped harder onto his shoulder and kneed him where the sun don't shine. Finn doubled over groaning, once he straightened up Fangs took that as an opening to punch him in the face.

Finn wiped the blood coming from his mouth, "You're going to regret that." He hissed charging towards Fangs.

"That's enough!" A voice called from the doorway to the kitchen. A tan women in a black dress stepped forward, "Kai my dear how wonderful it is to see you again." She smiled calmly, exactly like Finn.

"Wish I could say the same for you mother." Kai spat.

She then turned towards the boys, "I'm Darci Brown, Kai's mother nice to meet you." The boys glared, their mouths glued shut.

Kai sighed, "The giant one is Sweet Pea the other is Fangs." She glanced at her father who basically had steam pouring from his ears.

Turning back to her 'mother', Kai stuffed her actually useable hand into her pocket, "Mind telling us why you're here?" Darci clapped happily, "I'm here to tell you, I am going to be going court for custody of you."


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