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After Kai finished with the boys she grabbed a couple of drinks and left dragging her father by the arm. Toni informed her that she would hold onto her bike till she could come for it.

The drive to her trailer was filled with small talk about life after Daniel was sent to prison, "Do you have any contact with your mother and your brother?" He asked.

Shaking her head she sighed, "After you got sent away they wanted nothing to do with any of this, Mom wanted to stop sending money but Finn convinced her keep sending it." His knuckles whitened as he gripped harder on the steering wheels.

Kai shrugged, "Even if she did I could get a job at Pops. He could use some help after all."

Daniel parked his truck in front of her trailer after she gave him the directions. They both got out and entered the small living space.

"You can have the couch I don't have another bed and my rooms too small." Kai stated grabbing him a blanket and a pillow. "I have school in the morning we can talk when I get back, while I'm gone though don't go to the bar all day if you can try, find a job."

He saluted his daughter before laying down on the couch, "Do you have any clothes I can wear?" He asked looking down at the attire he has on currently. Kai shook her head, "You can go shopping once Mom sends some money."

Kai's alarm rang signaling that it was time for you to get up. Quickly she slipped on a random shirt from her closet, a pair of jeans, and he serpent jacket.

Then it was all paired up with a pair of black hightop converse. She popped a piece of bread into the toaster and waited for it to be done, as she waited she texted Sweet Pea for a ride since she had no bike and she couldn't drive,

As the toast popped out, Kai grabbed it and almost ran out without her phone and house keys when she heard the familiar noise of an engine outside.

She grabbed any other essentials she would need for school and headed out the door.

As she walked out, she noticed her dad was still asleep, After all that ruckus it's obvious he's still a heavy sleeper she sighed and slammed the door. Kai smiled seeing Sweet Pea leaning on his bike his hand stuffed into his pockets.

After getting closer she gasped, he had a huge black eye. She reached up and touched it lightly, causing him to flinch away from your touch, "Sorry." She muttered, her cheeks burning.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I'm fine, I don't know how long Andrews will be though." Rolling her eyes, Kai sat on the very back of the seat "Let's go we don't have all day." He hopped onto the bike and started up the engine.

Sliding forward, she awkwardly wrapped her hands around his waist and buried her face into his back, "This cast sucks and you're warm." She muttered. Sweet Pea laughed and began to drive towards the school.

The first thing she saw was Toni standing with her arms crossed over her chest and a smirk on her face, "Hey lovebirds." She greeted causing Kai to groan. What she didn't expect to see was Sweet Pea ducking his head away in embarrassment.

"Also on another note whenever you get your cast off I'll have your bike up at my place." She added, reminding her friend.

Nodding, she grabbed Sweet Pea by the arm and started dragging him into the school. "What's with you and dragging me places." He complained rubbing his arm as they reached the line to go through the metal detectors.

Kai just shrugged as she put her bag in the plastic bucket and walked through the machine. It beeped loudly and flashed red, "Take out whatever you have."

The guard snapped annoyed. She turned towards the agitated man, "I don't have anything that's not in that bucket." She hissed.

He took a step forward smirking his mood taking a complete twist, "I wouldn't mind conducting a strip search." He stated out loud, for everyone to hear.

"I wouldn't have done that." She murmured quietly, closing her eyes as she heard noises from all around her.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed Sweet Pea to her right, Fangs to her left, and a 3 other Serpents including Toni that she made friends with off to the side.

"Hey buddy wanna rethink that." Fangs growled taking a step forward.

Some say he acts like an overprotective boyfriend, but Fangs is more like an overprotective brother more than anything. "I-I'm Sorry." The guard stuttered taking a couple steps back.

Fangs grinned creepily, "You can go." The guard scrambled off tripping a couple times.

"Thanks Fangs." Kai smiled wrapping her arms around him.

He just shrugged, "Let's go to the cafeteria we have things to discuss anyways." As they were all walking,

Toni lifted up your cast after taking a small peek at it and picked something out of it, "There was a piece of metal in your cast that's why it went off." She noted mostly to herself.

With that conversation went back to normal for a moment. Once they all reached the Cafeteria, they decided to take a table outside. Papers were scattered on the table and everyone was focused.

"Nice article your girlfriends mom wrote." Kai heard. Looking up, she saw Sweet Pea talking to Jughead. Sweet Pea obviously wasn't happy and Jughead was annoyed, "Yeah I saw that."

He glanced around at the other Serpents at the table including her. His eyes lingered on her cast before returning back to Sweet Pea, "Diltion Doiley said he was stabbed when a bunch of you guys jumped him."

Kai scoffed, "That bitch stabbed himself." Standing up she continued, "With his own knife might I add."

Sweet Pea began to add off of what she said, "And we didn't jump him, there was a fight, Bulldogs versus Serpents, and you see this?" He pointed up to the black eye he was given at the fight, "Your boy Andrews gave it to me just before his girlfriend shot a gun into the air."

It was Fang's turn to chime in, "Reggie took on Kai, he pushed her off once he heard the shots and broke her arm."

The agitated girl lifted up her cast into the air so Jughead could get a better look at it. "What happened?" Jughead cut in surprised.

Sweet Pea ignored him and kept going on with what he was saying, "And of course Northsiders get off scot free, when the rest of us who couldn't get away were hauled off by the police."

Fangs met Jughead's eyes, "It's payback time."

Confused Jughead asked, "Hold on, what are you guys talking about."

Kai slapped down one final paper onto the table, "This."

His eyes drifted downwards towards everything scattered in the table and the paper she just put down, "What is that?" He mumbled still confused a little, but he caught on, "Is that a pipe bomb?" He gasped.

Sweet Pea went on to explain further, "Fogarty's cousin served in the Army. He's gonna build us something."

Fangs bent over slightly as he studied the papers, "We'll do it after hours, but it'll shut the Riverdale Register down once and for all."

"You think blowing up a building will make anything better?" Jughead hissed. Kai sat back and watched the argument unfold.

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, "Can't get any worse." He snapped. Jughead glared at the tall serpent, "Yeah, Sweet Pea, it can." He seethed. Jughead tried to calm down, "Let me talk to Archie. Let me figure this out."

Sweet Pea only added to the fire, "Man, that's your answer for everything." He scoffed "Talk and more talk."

Suddenly it took a turn down the path of loyalty, "We don't even know who you stand with." Kai scoffed
"Us or Them." She declared louder for everyone to here. "There's no such thing as a half serpent."


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