chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Rose’s POV

When I woke up I had no idea where I was. I was lying in a small yet soft bed in a rather small room. It was dimly lit but it was comfortable and warm, I was even dry now.

But then I remembered

Before I could even process all the thoughts flooding into my mind my heart was already racing and I was beginning to hyperventilate. 

Suddenly the door opened and Hunter was there, he moved so fast that I didn’t even realise that he was holding me until I was already in his arms.

“It’s okay Rose” Hunter murmured “it’s okay, deep breathes”

“Th-Those men” I stuttered “They were shooting at us”

Hunter nodded, he was stroking my hair gently

“Yes” He said softly “But we got away”

I remembered the cold water, just thinking about it made me tremble even more. Hunter held me even closer to him, letting the heat from his body seep into me. But then I remembered how his legs were a silvery tale and I remembered feeling the gills in his neck, I remembered how his ears were slightly pointed and how his eyes seemed almost black.

“Oh god” I cried, pulling out of his arms and pressing the palms of my hands into my eyelids, edging as far away from Hunter as I could.

“Rose” Hunter said, reaching out and grabbing my wrists, causing me to flinch “look at me”

Gently he pried my hands away from my face, slowly I drew my eyes up to look at him. He was looking at me with a serious expression on his face, his eyes held something almost like hurt in them, though I couldn’t understand why.

“Look at my eyes” He said “Look at my neck, it’s all gone”

He was right, his eyes were the clear blue that I knew and his neck was nothing but smooth skin, his legs were there, in a perfect pair of two sheathed in dark jeans. I took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry” I whispered “I’m just not used to this”

Hunter reached out and took my hands, they were small wrapped in his much larger ones, but they were warm and they were comforting.

“It’s alright” he said with a hesitant smile “it’s something you will get used to”

I grimaced, looking down at our intertwined hands; I didn’t want to be a freak like him.

Hunter flinched and released my hands. I looked up, feeling suddenly alone without his touch. He was staring at the wall behind me blankly; he was suddenly pale and had a look of hurt on his face.

“Are you alright?” I asked, reaching out, this time it was Hunter he pulled away

“I’m fine” He said gruffly “I just need some water”

He stood up then and walked out the door, leaving it open. I took this as a signal for me to follow.

Up on deck I found that the early morning sun was shining down on us. Even though we were in the middle of the ocean it was already burning hot. I looked around in wonder; I had never seen the water so blue, wow.

“Where are we going?” I asked, watching Hunter mill around the deck restlessly

“A small island” He replied, sounding angry “We will stay there until you change”

I looked at him quizzically, why was he so mad?

Suddenly, Hunter stiffened before straitening up and running his hands over his face. When he looked at me he relaxed but his eyes were still tense.

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