Chapter 4

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Not edited (I'm updating at least every week now so UwU)

No ones P.O.V

Lucy couldn't focus on the lesson Natsu was giving the class, her eye lids felt heavy and she knew she would fall asleep any moment. Last night Natsu kept her out til 2:30 am. She was going to kill him when she was fully awake. She was trying to keep notes from today but her mind just wouldn't let her. Natsu and Lucy made eye contact like they always do, she sent him a tired glare and his response was a smirk. She rolled her eyes and laid her head on the desk.  Gosh how much longer would this class be, she really needed to go back to the apartment and sleep til her next class. Just as sleep was about to take over she heard other students rustling getting there things to go. Her head shot up, her arm knocking over the laptop on the desk. "Shit!" She mutter racing to grab it before it fell. 

"Whoa don't wanna drop this." A male voice chuckled catching the pink laptop for her. "Oh my god thanks!" Lucy laughed and looked up to see who had caught it for her, as she raised her head she saw a male with blonde hair and blue eyes. He smirked and winked at her. "No problem blondie." He said handing her back the computer and Lucy felt blood rush to her face. This guy was hot to say the least. "I have a name ya know!" She said grabbing the rest of her stuff and putting it in her bag. "Whats you name cutie, I'm Sting Eucliffe." Lucy laughed a little at his attempt to flirt with her. "Lucy." She replied slinging her book bag around her shoulder. "I'll see ya around Lucy." The two walked down the stairs to the front of the room. 

Natsu stood there with an annoyed face and watched Sting flirt with Lucy. "I'll see ya Sting, I need to talk to Mr. Dragneel!" Lucy waved to the other blonde as he walked out saluting to her. She stifled  a giggled and turned to Natsu.  Once Lucy heard the doors close she fell into Natsu's arms. He caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. "I'm going to kill you once I have enough sleep."  She mumbled burying her head in the crook of Natsu's neck. The pink haired male let out a laugh and leaned back on his desk still hugging Lucy. "Are you so sure, cause right now you're pretty cuddly." 

"How are you even functioning?!" 

"Coffee and a five hour energy." 

Lucy groaned and sighed knowing soon she would have to walk all the way back to her apartment. Could she even make it back all the way? "I don't wanna walk all the back to the apartments, Natsu carry me!" She whined pulling Natsu closer to her. The two were really comfortable with each other, Natsu had walked in on Lucy changing one day. Lets just Natsu didn't make it out of the room without a bruise or two. "I'll do you one better! How about you sleep in my office on the couch! Its really nice. Plus my office is just threw that door." He said pointing at the door on the other side of the room. "Are you sure thats okay?" Lucy asked pulling away from Natsu a little. 

"Yea gramps already knows you're my friend and stuff! Besides the only ones to come by would be Gray or Erza." The chocolate eyed girl bit her lip and thought for a moment. She was really tired and Gildarts classroom was close by anyways. "Okay but you're carrying me." Natsu chuckled again and nodded. "Okay jump." Lucy did as Natsu said and jumped, he caught her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She leaned her head on Natsu's shoulder letting out a yawn. "Gosh Luce what time did you get up this morning." He asked opening the door to the small office. "6 am." 

"Why? My class doesn't start til 8:30?" He replied raising a brow. 

"I take an hour long shower and then I play with Plue and feed him for another thirty minutes, if I don't he gets mad. Its a 20 minute walk to campus and the girls and me have breakfast every morning together. " She replied to him and felt him lay her down on the sofa. He grabbed a small blanket on the side of the sofa and covered her with it. "I'll wake you up an hour before your next class at 2 okay?" Lucy nodded tiredly and was soon out cold. Natsu smiled and shook his head, she was the cutest thing ever. He went over to his desk and opened his laptop, pulling up a movie website. He was planning on watching movies all day and then getting lunch for him and Lucy later. 

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