Chapter 2

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Lucy entered her first class already worn out, those girls took a bit of energy out of her. With a heavy sigh she took her seat. Only two classes today she can do this, this is what normal is. Looking around the room she saw a few other people who caught her eye. A girl with short white hair. Looks like she kept to herself mostly. A male with bright spikey orange hair and glasses who was flirting with a another girl who seemed annoyed. More students gathered into the room and filled the seats up. Class was about to start and the teacher walked in with a smirk. "Hello students." Lucy's eyes widen as she looked at the teacher all the way from her seat. "Natsu?" She mumbled silently. 

It made since now, the new hot young teacher and running into him today saying he was sorta attending Fairy Tail high. 'Well I did hope he was in one of my classes.' The blonde thought to herself as she dunked in her seat. She noticed the girls giggling and giving Natsu the lovey dovey eyes. She shook her head and pulled out her laptop for note taking. "Make sure before you leave if you haven't already to sign in on the sheet at my desk, its for attendance." Natsu said in a bored tone. "Okay you can all call me Mr. Dragneel and welcome to your mythology class." Lucy looked at Natsu and made eye contact accidently. He smirked at her and gave a small wink making all the girls go crazy thinking he winked at them. Lucy blushed and went back to her computer. 

Class had began and everyone was in learning mode. Natsu went over what they would learn this semester and what to expect. Lucy had to admit he made a good teacher. Time seemed to pass quickly as he carried on about the first assignment he was giving to them. Lucy had a small smile on her face as she listen to the pink haired man speak. He had a nice voice, she liked it. Its weird to like someones voice but she sure did like his. "Okay everyone have a great day and don't forget to sign in." It looked like everyone had except Lucy and few other people. 

The girl walked down to the front and signed her name. "So Lucy did I surprise ya." He chuckled and crossed his arms. "Yea I guess." She replied looking over at the clock. Her next class wouldn't be til later this afternoon. "So how many classes are you teaching today?" Lucy was always a curious person. "Just this one. Not many student's signed up for it so its just one big class. Easy job for me." He shrugged. The female nodded and adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "So Mr. Dragneel?" Lucy looked up at him to him smirking once again. "Aren't you a little young to be a college professor?" 

Natsu laughed and shook his head. "Yea I guess but I know a lot about Mythology so I am able to teach it." Natsu booped Lucy on the nose and she gave him an annoyed look. He only smiled at her getting his things together. "Well I'll see you then." And with that Lucy walked out. "Cute." Natsu mumbled with a small smile. 

---Time skip brought to you by Happy's fish!---

Three hours later in the day and Lucy was done with her last class for the day, she was chatting with Levy on her way out. "So what are Majoring in Lu-Chan?!" Levy asked a small smile on her face. "Um well-" as the girls opened the big oak doors two males stood outside arguing with one another. "Oh yea Flame Brain!?" Levy sighed loudly and face palmed. "Yea! Wanna go Metal head?" Lucy stood there confused seeing Natsu argue with somebody. "Gajeel! You were suppose the wait for me not fight with Natsu!" Levy shouted making both of the boys look at the girls.

"Sorry Shrimp." The man named Gajeel said walking towards Levy. "Its fine, Natsu what are you doing here. If you wanna see Guildarts he left." Levy said in an annoyed tone. "No I was waiting for Lucy!" The pink haired man smiled a big goofy smile that made Lucy heart beat fast. "I didn't know you two are friends!" The smaller female spoke as she clapped her hands together. "We're not." Lucy sweat dropped as she walked up to Natsu. "We just meant today, he is my neighbor and teacher for Mythology." Levy chuckled and poked Lucy. "Well I gotta go, come on Gajeel. Bye Lu-Chan!"

Levy and Gajeel walked away with her yelling at the tall male. Lucy sighed and turned to look at Natsu as he stood there, his same goofy smile. "Can I help you?" She spoke with sass. "Well I thought you were lonely so maybe we could walk to the apartments and get to know each other better?" He replied shrugging. Lucy noticed he had a small blush on his face. Letting out another large sigh she agreed. "Fine! But I wanna go now I have Plue at home." The blonde declared as she started walking past Natsu. 

"Cool! You have a pet?" 


"I do too! Its a cat his name is happy!"

"Okay hold up." Lucy stopped and turned around to face the male walking with her. "Why do you want to get to know me? You are my Teacher? Isn't this weird to you?" Natsu shrugged his shoulders and started walking again. "I saw you earlier at the café with the girls, we have the same friend group it looks like so why not become friends? Plus it looks like I'm only a few years older then you." He replied to her. "How old are you anway?" He asked.


"Wow so young! I remember when I was your age!" Natsu chuckled. "I'm 23." He kept asking random question trying to figure out the closed off girl. She seemed to be friendly to others but to Natsu she was kinda cold. After ten more questions he couldn't think of anything else to ask the girl. "Okay, I'll ask you something." Lucy said shocking him. "Shoot!" He smiled happily that she wanted to know something about him. "How come your teaching so young, most people your age are just finishing or are still in college." They were getting closer to the apartments. "Curious are we?" Natsu glanced at Lucy, she only gave a nod in response.

"Well my dad, Igneel. He was the former teacher and he retired last year. He taught me everything he knows and Gramps, the head master of the college or whatever is close friends with him. I guess he trust me enough to teach a class. My dad really wanted me to take his place so I did." Natsu smiled a little thinking about his father. He was such a good person and gave him a good life. "What about you why are you here? At Fairy Tail."

Lucy didn't want to answer that, but it was fair. "I use to live with my dad but I ran away a couple months ago and applied for Fairy Tail, I wanna be a writer some day. Fairy Tail has the best classes so why not come here!" Natsu felt sadden for the girl. Why would she run away from her home like that? He wasn't going to pry but he felt like it was for a good reason. "Ya know Lucy I think we should be friends." The statement shocked her for a second but then again it was him.

"We have the same friend group and we live next door to each other so why not?"

A friend.

"Yea why not!" She smiled back at him, without even noticing they were at their apartment doors smiling like idiots at each other.

Words- 1325 

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