Chapter 1

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Not edited 

Nobody's P.O.V 




"Okay I hear you shut up!" Lucy grabbed her phone ringing loudly telling her it was time to wake up, knowing where the button was she pressed it quickly shutting the alarm off. The blonde tossed the pink cased phone somewhere on her bed as she groaned. It was only 8 in the morning and she was already annoyed, besides that she was also excited! Finally after years of waiting she could finally attend college and live on her own. "Time to get up." She groaned. She sighed and rubbed her face trying to find the will to leave her comfy bed. 


"Oh Plue your awake too." Lucy said rolling on her to look down at the small husky. Another happy bark came from the puppy. "Okay I'll get up and feed you." She reached her arm out and scratched under the white and black dogs chin. With that Lucy got up and stretched her arms and legs with a cute yawn. The female started going around her room grabbing things she needed to get ready. Rummaging threw her dresser she pulled out a black long sleeve and under garments. Throwing them on the bed she walked herself over to the small closet with Plue following close behind his tail wagging. 

She pulled a random pair of blue jeans off the hanger and threw them on the bed along with the other pieces of clothing. "Okay boy wait here while I shower and I promise I'll feed you right after." And with that she began getting ready.

--- Time skip brought to you by Gray stripping---

By the time Lucy had finished getting ready, played with Plue, fed him, and got her stuff together she was out the door by 9:30. "Bye boy!" She said closing the door, without looking where she was going she bumped into a hard chest. "Oh sorry!" She said backing up. "No it was my fault."  Lucy looked to see who she bumped into. It was a male a about an inch or two taller then her with salmon colored pink hair and Onyx eyes. He was hot to say the least. A smirk crept onto his face as he noticed Lucy blushing. 

"Uh yea its fine I should be more careful I'm clumsy." Lucy replied avoiding eye contact with the man. "My name is Natsu I live next door, you must be my new neighbor?" He chuckled holding out his hand for the blonde to shake. "Yea! I just moved in last week." She laughed nervously. "I'm Lucy!" She shook Natsu's hand and smiled a little. "Ah I'm gonna be late for my class." Natsu said remember the time. "Oh you go to Fairy Tail college to?" Lucy said as she locked her door. "Yea something like that. I'll catch you around Lucy!" The pink haired hollered from down the hall. 

Lucy laughed and shook her head. She hoped she had a class with him cause man was he hot. Lucy carried on down the hallway of the apartments. Life was going well so far, of course she had to work for it. Even thought her mother left all the saved money she had to her she still wanted to get a job and work, be normal? Normal. She had never been that, she had lived a classy and elegant life because of her father. Not that she wasn't thankful for it, of course she was. It's just she was cooped up all her life and was never abled to make or meet friends. A small sigh escaped Lucy's mouth as she walked into the elevator. 

"Hold the door please!" A female voice yelled as she ran towards the sliver sliding doors. Being nice Lucy put her arm in front of the doors to stop them from closing. "Ah thanks!" The female panted and huffed as she stepped inside. "No problem." Lucy gave a small smile to her. She was very pretty. The girl had wild blue hair that seemed to be natural and light brown eyes. "You late for something?" Lucy asked the blue female. "Well I might be, my class starts in 20 minutes and I walk to Fairy Tail." She finally caught her breath and smiled back. "Oh me too! But my class won't start til like another 40 minutes." She chuckled. "I'm Levy McGraden!" Levy said her eyes smiling. "I'm Lucy." 

---Another time skip thanks to Natsu being dense!--- 

"So basically reading is like my main hobby." Levy laughed as she held the book that she was currently reading. "Me too! Reading is the best." Both females smiled at each other. "Hey I'll give you my number so we can talk! We're friends now!" Levy nudge Lucy. "Totally I need some friends I'm new to town." The blonde said walking inside the huge building. "I can show you my friends they would love you!!" Levy grabbed the other girls wrist and started pulling her towards the café in the college. "I thought your class starts in like five minutes." Lucy said letting the smaller girl pull her around. "Yea but the Professor is like ten minutes late so its good." 

Lucy sighed this girl was a trip. "Erza Juvia!!" Levy waved to some girls sitting and chatting. Lucy didn't even have a chance to look at the building with Levy pulling her everywhere, it was so huge and grand. She loved the look of Fairy Tail, it felt welcoming and exciting. "Lucy come on!" Levy pouted for a second. Doing as the blue haired girl said she walked towards the other females and smile. "Has Levy made a friend?" Lucy's attention turned towards a girl with light blue hair. The other girl who sat across from her looked to be older then the rest of them and dressed a little to nicely to be a student. 

"Yea this is Lucy! She is a new college student." Levy pointed at the blonde and smiled cutely. "Welcome to Fairy Tail Lucy. I'm Erza a teacher here." Lucy smiled and waved. "Erza likes to hang with some of us students to make her feel young!" Levy smirked and not so much whispered to Lucy. Erza blushed red and shook her head. "No! We all knew each other since we were children. Stop telling lies Levy!" Erza shouted and then went back to eating some cake. "Yea yea, anyway that's Juvia." Juvia simply smiled and waved. "Sit with us!" Levy gestured to a seat. "Sure." Lucy said happily. 

After a few minutes the girls started gossiping about the new Professor this year. Apparently they knew him and left Lucy confused. "So far all the girls are swooning over him. A hot young male teacher oh me oh my!" Levy said acting a bit dramatic. "Levy stop reading play scripts." Everyone started laughing after that. Lucy had a good feeling this was going to be a good year.

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