Free... Almost

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They couldn't find any extra beds for me, so they had me sleep on a couch in the basement. I didn't really mind though, I had slept in worse places, plus I appreciated the 'Im not surrounded by a girl cult' thing. So I lay under a scratchy wool blanket in a cold basement, alone.

Needless to say that it was the happiest I've been in years.

Until a hand clamped over my mouth and dragged me off the couch, of course.

I thought that I was back in the circus and a horny man wanted their way with me. Then I remembered I was out of the circus. Then I realized that the ring master had escaped jail and wanted his property back.

With that in mind, I bit the hand and swung around and kicked my attacker right in the nutz. I heard a groan as he fell to his knees. In his (temporary) absence, I scrambled to find the lights and quickly flicked them on.

My attacker was not the ring master, and relief flooded me as I almost cried of happiness. However, there was not one single attacker, in fact, several men surrounded the one I had kicked. They tried to help him up but he simply slapped them away before growling "IM FINE." he stood up, slowly, and his eyes met with mine.

"Hey sweetie, why don't you make this easier for the both of us, and just come here," his voice was hushed, like he was talking to a potential bank robber holding hostages. Although, this did not hide the fact that his voice was deep and resounding, and in truth he was a big hunk of man. He had large muscles, dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. He looked powerful.

He took a step toward me. I took one back. He took another, and so did I. Soon I hit the wall and he kept coming.

"That's it, just stay right there, you can trust me," he soothed. Except I was not about to fall into another unjustified hostage situation, I will not be held against my will again. I was given a fresh start, and I was going to take it.

So I ran past the incredible gorgeous man, and toward the stairs. But this hunk had other plans as he ordered his men to catch me. I was almost to the wooden stairs, I grabbed the railing and stepped on the first step. Then I was heaved backwards and brought back to reality. He pushed me into the center of the room and soon I was surrounded.

"Now, you can do this willingly, or I could have my men hold you down." Mr. Hotso said as he gestured to a cloth containing lots of chloroform.

I stepped forward and slowly took it from his hands, I put it in front of my mouth. BUT I held my breath. Then I pretended to collapse, my eyes rolled backwards and I felt two arms catch me. Haha! suckas! They thought I would actually do that.

I felt myself being carried away, and soon I felt the cool night air. I reached out and punched whoever was carrying me right in the stomach and fell to the ground. I scrambled to my feet and ran for my life. I was brought here from the police station so I knew my way back.

I ran down several streets and the distressed calls of the men had faded away. I kept running and I saw the police station coming into view. I sprinted as fast as I could, pushing my tired legs to go faster. I didn't even see the van pull up until it was too late.

Mr. Hotso jumped out and pulled the dirty cloth from his pocket. "I didn't want it to happen like this babe," then all the men pinned me down and my eyes faded shut.

-Masons POV-

Simon had done the perfect job when he found this girl. As I carried her back to the van I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, and she was so strong and fierce, I think I already love her.

Now to introduce her to the mafia.

And to learn her name.

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