Just a Taste of Freedom

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- 10 years later-

So that's what happened, all those years ago. I'm fourteen, I don't really know since I don't know my birthday. I still live and work for the circus, except there's no pay and I can't leave. My main job on the circus was to pickpocket the crowd while they were distracted watching the show, I also do the high stilts and unicycle.

Let me explain; despite what many may think, the circus is not a happy place. We all live on a tiny train in bunkers, it smells worse that a locker room, and the air is soggy.

When I was around thirteen, I went through, you know, changes, apparently now I was more than just a 'bute' and the ring master claimed me as his. Let me elaborate, I was now the property of the ring master. I couldn't leave, didn't get paid, and was beaten.

All the men there were grimy, hardworking men, with horrible grammar and resorted to violence when sorting an issue, especially the ring master.

I only had one friend. It was a young man a few years older than me, his name was Axel, and he was a groundskeeper. However, the ring master, who everyone just called 'master' did not approve of our friendly relationship and banned me from seeing him.

The circus did have good, I learned many things, not just acrobatics, or the fine art of thievery. The mimes had taught me that sometimes silence can speak more than mere words ever could. The nasty clowns had taught me to fight. I had learned that balance is key, not just when your standing on a strong mans head, but throughout life. All the animals taught me about patience and grace. And that nasty old train bunker taught me that this was my home, and I couldn't leave. It told me that I belonged somewhere and I had a home, despite how unfair and awful it was.

-Masons POV-

"Son, I gave you the mafia boss position yesterday, that means that you should start looking for a girl," my dad said to me.

"Dad I'm only eighteen! I don't want to stay with one girl for the rest of my life!"

"Don't argue with me, it is required to have a wife or a fiancé by the time your 25, I suggest you get started. Give Simon your requirements in a lady and he'll find someone for you."


My dad left the room and Simon walked in moments after with a notepad and pen. Simon was my second in command, he worked hard and got me everything I needed.

"I want her to be young, like four or five years younger than me, she has to be beautiful, no, better- she has to be gorgeous....and.... she has to have a nice personality and a fine body."

- 1 year later-

-Enceladus's POV-

I remember the day clearly. It was poring rain and mud was everywhere. The animals and tents were all packed up and we just had to put a few more elephants in their cages.

Master cracked his whip at one of the sluggish workers and an elephant reared up, all 6,000 pounds of it, and it fell, right onto Axels leg. I watched as he cried out in pain.

"Get 'em out of here! He's no longer of use to me!" Master roared, he had no sympathy, and Axel could no longer work, his leg was crushed.

Some workers dragged him away, probably to an abandoned alley or something so he could die without revealing how cruel this circus was. I hated this. I hated how he could just get rid of people, and I couldn't do anything about it. So I pulled on the chains attaching me to masters trailer. I pulled and screamed out for him, for someone, to help my dear friend.


"ENCELADUS!!" He called back. I kept screaming and tugging on the chains, obviously annoying master, so he came over to me.

"Be quiet Enceladus!" He hissed. I kept screaming and pulling on the chains, completely ignoring him. Which was probably why he slapped me across the face.

"Please, please, I beg you, don't leave Axel to die, please Master, please," I sobbed out, looking him directly in the eyes.

He reared back and punched me directly in the eye, which would surely be black and blue in minutes. Before he could do any more damage, and before I could lose Axel forever, there were sirens.


This was it. My days of being a theif, a circus artist, a carnee, a sex slave, they were all over. I was being arrested. I had spent eleven years in the circus, and now I was leaving.

"VLADIXE! TAKE HER!!" master yelled at Vladixe, his second in command. Master was being dragged away by many buff police officers. I watched as Vladixe leaped forward and quickly unchained me. I was thrown over his shoulder and he started running away, then, I kneed his stomach and ran to a police car.

This was it.

I am finally free.

-Simons POV-

I finally found a girl suiting the bosses requirements, I watched her drive to a local boarding house with a police officer. I am going to alert him and we'll take her tonight.

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